Thursday, January 28, 2021

All that glitters


Interesting. Very interesting.  Something new perhaps to apply myself towards.  I am still in my self imposed down time. Soon I will return to the workforce, it is what I do. Hoping that my time apart will allow my return to be an enjoyable task, not a dreaded, got to do sort of thing. Today is a snow day, Perfect


  1. Those breaks sometimes give us the energy and attitude change we need.

  2. like a hairdresser license, a real estate license can be applied to a lot of different applications, I hope you find a perfect fit on your return to the work a day world.

    1. Me too! Lots of people would say I am perfectly suited for real estate but I will tell you for the most part I have not enjoyed. Why 24 years, I keep asking myself the same thing?


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...