Saturday, May 5, 2018

Muck and Mess

The World Changes and Justice helps us adapt.

Does Justice help us adapt or maybe better, gives us the lines in which we can color our World?  I recently went to an Ethics Class that we must take in my profession and the presenter gave us a valid point, that our rules and regulations must change as the World changes. T.V.,  Automation, and Social Media, gives us a whole different world than the original laws were designed for.
I wonder in a couple of hundred years if History does not reflect back on this time and gives us the turning point of real change. That change maybe for the better and maybe not.  There is no balance these days and that makes the Wheel of Life wobbly.  Correction coming, you bet.

Celestial Tarot


  1. It wasn't too long ago that slavery was normal and women didn't have the right to vote. Thank goodness for those corrections. With the age of technology, there's a whole new area of ethical corrections coming up for sure!

    1. I remember years ago reading that before the World Wars that no one really traveled more than 40 miles from their home in their lifetime. Now we go every where on jets and cyberspace. 40 miles, I do that almost everyday.

  2. It's a pity that all these scientific and technical changes don't go hand in hand with our sense of morality


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...