Monday, September 26, 2016

Inner Child

I don't take the time to play everyday.  I read a book sometime back that advocated spending time everyday getting in contact with the inner child and play some everyday.  I worked at it but it began to feel like another chore, another thing that had to be done and I remember as a child I did not like to do chores.  I try to remember to smile everyday: one to share with a stranger, maybe one to share with myself in the mirror, and definitely one in appreciation of gratitude.
I do love a good laugh.  I enjoy  hearing children laugh and giggle.  I like a good joke, even the ones that are on me.  Children don't wake every morning thinking 'I think I will play today' it is just something that comes natural.  
Today is a good day to connect with my inner child and share a laugh and maybe a bit of adventure.

HEALING WITH THE FAIRIES Oracle Cards-Doreen Virtue


  1. That's a good point - it's not really play if it feels like an obligation. I like your "triad of smiles" practice. :)

  2. The only joke I've ever been able to remember was told by bea Arthur, the wide mouth frog.
    So true, about trying to fit our personality or attitude into someone else idea of improvement is seldom a clear fit. I did get a lot out of Julia Cameron's books but I was in the right time and place to do so

  3. I am not sure about Oracle cards...maybe it's their pre-printed text. I thought about asking the local library if I could present a class on oracles and auguries and give a couple of these Oracle decks away as door prizes.

  4. I can relate to the "I am obligated to play" feeling. Sometimes it seems like you only do it to tick of "play box and be done with.
    Sometimes i feel this way also about meditating. Everybody does it so i need to do it too because it is sooo good for me but sometimes it just want to relax and follow my meandering thoughts..


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...