Monday, February 29, 2016

one, two, three

Spring is around the corner, just three weeks away.  Besides the time honored 'Spring Cleaning' projects, it is always a good time to start something new.  A garden, a self improvement program, or maybe a new community project.  As with anything new, it has to be tended, nurtured, and then eventually harvested or completed; and what we harvest depends on the all the foregoing things.  These gals took the time to plant, tend, and harvest their herbs.

I always like to start a new program in the Spring.  So many people make 'New Years' resolutions which for the most part do not last.  Spring is a much better time to start a new project with warmer days, lengthening daylight, and Spring just feels better than the deep dark days of Winter.  So what new project interests me?  I always have a list of things I would like to do or work on; deciding is the challenge.  Maybe I will put 3 choices on a slips of paper, toss them in a basket, pick one, and get started.
eenie meenie miney moe



  1. I'm with you - I'd much rather start a new project in spring than begin in winter! :)

  2. We've decided to do flowers this year instead of veggies. Pick and enjoy rather than pick and hurry up and eat there are MORE coming...

    1. I used to love gardening, not so much any more. Those screws holding my neck together make that beloved past time too difficult. Now it's just planting pots of flowers.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...