Thursday, December 5, 2019

Be Kind

Be Kind.  Good words of advice, even when wronged.  Words once spoken cannot be taken back.  I've spoken my share over the years and done a fair amount of apologizing.  Sometimes though I let the harsh words stand.  I have two nemeses that I work with, and it seems I am right back in the thick of confrontation with them both.  They were the reason I left the inside sales job before and guess I will again.
Oh well, I guess I have some fight left in me and will not allow myself to be bullied, no matter what age.
I got no kind words left to speak to them.


  1. There seem to be pot-stirrers at every workplace. What they say says a lot more about them than you. Hope you can let them be and not be hooked into adding anything to their pot.

    1. That's the trick, isn't it. I am too old for their nonsense. Self-employed for over twenty years adds to my resistance to their control issues. And i don't like myself when I have to constantly deal with them.

  2. after being self employed for 25 years I know without a doubt I'd make a terrible employee.

    1. Being self employed does add to the confrontation mix.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...