Friday, June 19, 2020


Not the same old story please.  Tell me something new. Something interesting. Something worth listening to. The same old, over and over has become tiresome.
These girls got out of the hen house, cleaned up everything around them, and are looking forward to a better day out in the fresh air and sunshine. Sometimes you just have to get away from the fray. Find something better to do with the day then peat and repeat.
This is the last day of Spring. Let's hope the Summer brings us better days.


  1. The light can always help us see things a little clearer. Goodness, I didn't realize today was the last day of Spring!

  2. come sit with me and my little girls today. You will leave refreshed, knowing all you need to know of the world.

    1. Many, many years ago, like 60 I delivered newspapers in our little community. Part of route I had to cut through a wooded area between two neighborhoods. Everyday I came out of woods to be confronted by a rooster. Mean old boy usually pecking at me. One day he really meant business and flew right at me, I hit him with my newspaper bag. I don't know if I broke his neck or he was winded, but I never saw him again.

    2. that is called flogging behavior and one of the reasons most chickens for eggs people won't have one. We've been very fortunate, the last two rooster don't do it at all, and when little Peanut did, well he was only 7" tall and at best landed on our ankles and was easily disuaded with a footy shove. Would not have a flogging rooster, their back claws can be 3" long and put out an eye!


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...