Thursday, April 30, 2020

Meet and Greet

No Social Distancing here.  Life is different in the Enchanted Forest and life will be different for us in our (dis)enchanted lives if we do not figure out what works for our well-being and then the well-being of society at whole.  A walk through the quiet of the forest allows me to hear me.  I tune myself out with the chatter of everyday life.  Since leaving the tv off more and more and not involved in  the work-a-day world at the time being, I am listening a bit more to the me of me.   What path will I walk in the Forest of Enchantment?

The Enchanted Forest Tarot


  1. I wish they called it physical distancing rather than social distancing. It has provided time for self-reflection!

    1. I went to grocery earlier and more and more people are wearing masks, but I noticed they have given up the physical distancing. People bunched up, with masks in place. Everyday seems like people are getting more lax about precautions.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...