Friday, March 27, 2020


Me.  I am at the moment in Recovery.  Too much tv and updates on the health of the nation.  I started watching the news yesterday and decided enough.  I am still going to hear reports from just about everywhere, but I am not going to sit for an hour or more and marinate in the doom and gloom.   Enough.  Beyond the grid are green covered vistas.  That is a better use of time and it's healing.  Take a walk, in my bare feet while it is bit warmer.


  1. I'm a great believer in moderation in everything.

    1. Sometimes you can get hooked. Then you have to make a clean break of it till you get it under control.

  2. I've been engaging in a lot of yard therapy. :)

    1. I used to do a lot of yard therapy, now a really small yard so its pots. Still a bit chilly and I don't know about going to Meijers for potting soil and plants. I guess you could call those essential needs. Essential for my sanity.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...