Monday, October 2, 2017

Wallow, why don't you

"If you want something to cry about, I will give you something to cry about."

I much prefer the image in the Rider Waite-Smith deck, the gal sitting under the tree, full of woe is me.  Disconsolate that the partying portrayed in the the three of cups has ended, she doesn't notice the new opportunity presented with the offered fourth cup.  That's the way of it sometimes; we don't want the good times to end.  The thing is, if the party goes on continuously it becomes the new norm and boredom sets in.  Never happy are we?

My Dad used to threaten us with the above quote, it was enough to dry up the tears.

The Gaian Tarot - Joanna Powell Colbert


  1. Reading this post I think happiness is a verb: We have to keep working on it. :)

    1. That is something to think about. Happiness is that elusive something, something, that we just never quite obtain.

  2. my mother said that too. sometimes I even say it to myself. A simple phrase in itself, direct and too the point. But on a deeper level, since so many parents said it, maybe it was early training for seize the moment and get on with what is more important?

  3. I think every parent must say that line at some point. Wonder how many pennies she's tossed down that well wishing things were different?


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...