Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Gift!

Years ago, maybe ten, I went to this class on Tarot. A relative newbie as were the other nine people in the class, we all had shiny new decks waiting on the informed insight of a 'Master Teacher'  Since then I have come to the conclusion that you can never quite master tarot, mostly because insights as to what the card relay can change daily or with each situation.  One of things I remember from that class is when an Ace appears it is a gift. I can still read that on some of the tarot sites "A Gift"

Yesterday I read of a new  on-line Mystery School being offered and though I am reluctant to sign on with another pseudo wizard of oz program; I think this one may have merit.  I didn't sign up last night after reading about it and thought I would see how I felt about it this morning.  This 'gift' of an Ace indicates that beginning a program on a possible ancient mystery is something worth following through with.
As Bilbo Baggins said, "I am quite ready for a new adventure."

The Sacred Circle Tarot


  1. Take it and report back to us! If my brain wasn't broken I'd take something offered by benebell wen

    1. Your brain is not broken; don't say such a thing. You may have some challenges, all of us do. I have to ask what is benebell wen or is that a mis-spelling?

  2. May your new adventure bring both fun and knowledge!


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...