Saturday, September 30, 2017

Here I AM

Vision Quest

This card brings to mind those fundamental questions we ask ourselves throughout our days on Planet Earth. 
Where were born, where is your home, where are you going, what are you doing?  Think about these once in awhile and watch your answers change.
I wrote about these same questions earlier this year, and I am back to them with this card.  Time to say goodbye to September, pull the page on my wall calendar, and contemplate what do I need to see, do, and finish, and maybe start, to finish my year.
I recently gathered a number of self help books and I am taking them to the Library.  I no  longer want or need to climb the Mountain of Spirituality.  I am Carolyn and it is time to just be me.

Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn


  1. Climbing that mountain can be so stressful and exhausting. Good for you to focus on yourself and free yourself from all kinds of well meant advice which has nothing to do with who you are right now
    You are perfect the way you are!

    1. Well maybe not perfect. I have listen and read all the advice and now I don't need to you. I have recently come to this point.

  2. I am with you, I've kept one from when I considered the start of my journey, the rest are all gone. I took what I wanted and left the rest, pretty much who I am :)

    1. Same here. I figured if I haven't got it by now, it wasn't worth getting. I am coming to the place in life that I am okay with who I am. Good for you and me.

  3. I think we all have to find our own way. But it does seem easier to just get someone to tell you what to do, which is probably why the self-help business does so well.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...