Friday, August 25, 2017

Why ask Why

I know the old saying is 'let sleeping dogs lie' in this instance maybe sleeping lions.

The author of this deck uses the image of the lion on a number of cards.  Either her astrological sign is Leo or a Lion is her totem animal and she bears a strong affinity to the cat.  I am not sure I get this one.  Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac and if astrological comparisons are being made maybe Virgo would have been a good choice for the Sixth Major.  Baron-Reid gives us Love and not Lovers for the title, which I believe was the original name for this Major. 
If everything is in order and all things are working out, do we just go with the flow?  And why is it when we are in the flow so many times we step off the path, you know, where the lions are lurking in the tall grass?

The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid


  1. I didn't know the original name for this card was Love. This word is some much more encompassing than "Lovers"
    Any way at first glance this card reminded me of Strength be cause of the Lion and the girl...

    1. Colette Baron-Reid use the Lion in the Strength card too and several others. Love is more encompassing than Lovers. After the Emperor's harness we all need a dose of Love.

  2. I too thought it was Strength rather than Love/Lovers. Though I suppose in relationships its a good reminder to pick your battles wisely, and let other stuff go.

    1. The only thing I can really think of is that there is love for ourselves once we come to terms to the hardships/beastly things within?

  3. I agree, the Lovers card in the majors should be Love. Far more all encompassing.

    1. Yes indeedy. Like my comment above, we need the Love after the Emperor's harshness.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...