Sunday, August 20, 2017


Lady Justice with her stoic gaze has lowered her sword of truth and her scales, out of balance.

The booklet that came with cards gives us: "the law of cause and effect is in play...elements in my life balance out. What goes around comes around. I'm now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world."   Reminds me of the saying an 'eye for an eye just makes everyone blind.'  
Everyone has their own brand of justice.  What really 'rights' the scales?  Fighting hatred with more hatred begets more hatred.  There is no getting even.

The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid


  1. This reminds me of what Audre Lorde wrote about the need to beware the shard of the oppressor planted deep within us that knows only the oppressors tactics. For me justice/fairness means resisting domination and practicing non domination.

    1. Some people only understand domination and oppression, there never has been any other lifestyle for them.

  2. I like that her sword is pointed toward the ground. All the good thoughts in the world won't create a just world; it takes action.

    1. Prayers and singing "I liked to buy the world a coke" would be better than improper action that some of the counter protesters are engaging in.

  3. I totally do not agree with the theory of what goes around comes around, not in a sensible way anyway.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...