The road not taken was not your path.
Another nine today. Something ending. The typical Nine of Wands has a theme of hardship, calling on some inner strength to finish the task taken up in the Ace of Wands. This fairy gal seems to have enjoyed her challenge and looks back to see how far she has come. Good advice, worry not on what's ahead but congratulate myself on what I have managed to accomplish.
"There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn't matter which path you take.
The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain telling everyone that her or his path is wrong" -Hindu Proverb
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron Reid.
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Own it
Sometimes we realize we are right were we are supposed to be, in the garden of our own making.
There are days that I question myself, " how did I get here?" I have always made my choices and owned them, good and not so good. Change is upon me and I will remind myself that I made the choice and did not wait for it to come to me.
"One is the loneliest number that you will ever do, Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one."
ONE -Sung by Three Dog Night
Being alone does not have to be lonely. Sure there are days of isolation, but you can experience that with another or a room filled with anothers.
I like this card of Nine of Pentacles, surrounded by the things of my own making.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
There are days that I question myself, " how did I get here?" I have always made my choices and owned them, good and not so good. Change is upon me and I will remind myself that I made the choice and did not wait for it to come to me.
"One is the loneliest number that you will ever do, Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one."
ONE -Sung by Three Dog Night
Being alone does not have to be lonely. Sure there are days of isolation, but you can experience that with another or a room filled with anothers.
I like this card of Nine of Pentacles, surrounded by the things of my own making.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Heart Sense
Lead with your Heart.
Another King. One drawn Sunday and now today. From Rachel PolIlack's TAROT WISDOM: King of Wands, " A very confident figure, may be a woman as well as a man, for king is a role, not a matter of biology."
I notice how busy so many are, rushing off to this or that. Work, shopping, children, constantly on the go. The need to be doing something. Is it so fearful to be with oneself in the moment? I realize that even though I have slowed down since accident, I avoid myself a lot. Mindless tv, games, eating - different variations on distracting myself.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Another King. One drawn Sunday and now today. From Rachel PolIlack's TAROT WISDOM: King of Wands, " A very confident figure, may be a woman as well as a man, for king is a role, not a matter of biology."
I notice how busy so many are, rushing off to this or that. Work, shopping, children, constantly on the go. The need to be doing something. Is it so fearful to be with oneself in the moment? I realize that even though I have slowed down since accident, I avoid myself a lot. Mindless tv, games, eating - different variations on distracting myself.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Monday, August 28, 2017
What a pretty pony.
Is there anything that needs to said when we view an image of Pegasus?
Colette Baron-Reid gives us "Destiny and fate, the law of karma, powerful forces of transformation at work, synchronicity
I guess that about sums it up.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Is there anything that needs to said when we view an image of Pegasus?
Colette Baron-Reid gives us "Destiny and fate, the law of karma, powerful forces of transformation at work, synchronicity
I guess that about sums it up.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Veni Vidi Vici
"I came, I saw, I conquered." A quote of Julius Caesar given to the Roman Senate in 46 BC.
When I first turned over this card I heard "Eat or be eaten" another quote about getting them before they get you. The King of Pentacles is usually viewed as a benevolent, successful king. In order to be successful I am sure there are components of ruthlessness. Still to be the go to guy or gal you have to have some measure of accomplishment to be that go to guy or gal.
I am thinking if advice is sought and given, I best pay attention.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
When I first turned over this card I heard "Eat or be eaten" another quote about getting them before they get you. The King of Pentacles is usually viewed as a benevolent, successful king. In order to be successful I am sure there are components of ruthlessness. Still to be the go to guy or gal you have to have some measure of accomplishment to be that go to guy or gal.
I am thinking if advice is sought and given, I best pay attention.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Do you hear what I hear?
Most likely not.
This card Fool reminds me that 'The Fool' stands apart of the Major Arcana. Some see it as the first card, beginning the journey. I noticed that there is no companion animal, no warning nature to this Fool.
Today I think I will receive a call of some kind and it will be a call I will need to pay attention to. Sometimes the most simplest explanation is the best.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Most likely not.
This card Fool reminds me that 'The Fool' stands apart of the Major Arcana. Some see it as the first card, beginning the journey. I noticed that there is no companion animal, no warning nature to this Fool.
Today I think I will receive a call of some kind and it will be a call I will need to pay attention to. Sometimes the most simplest explanation is the best.
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Friday, August 25, 2017
Why ask Why
I know the old saying is 'let sleeping dogs lie' in this instance maybe sleeping lions.
The author of this deck uses the image of the lion on a number of cards. Either her astrological sign is Leo or a Lion is her totem animal and she bears a strong affinity to the cat. I am not sure I get this one. Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac and if astrological comparisons are being made maybe Virgo would have been a good choice for the Sixth Major. Baron-Reid gives us Love and not Lovers for the title, which I believe was the original name for this Major.
If everything is in order and all things are working out, do we just go with the flow? And why is it when we are in the flow so many times we step off the path, you know, where the lions are lurking in the tall grass?
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
The author of this deck uses the image of the lion on a number of cards. Either her astrological sign is Leo or a Lion is her totem animal and she bears a strong affinity to the cat. I am not sure I get this one. Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac and if astrological comparisons are being made maybe Virgo would have been a good choice for the Sixth Major. Baron-Reid gives us Love and not Lovers for the title, which I believe was the original name for this Major.
If everything is in order and all things are working out, do we just go with the flow? And why is it when we are in the flow so many times we step off the path, you know, where the lions are lurking in the tall grass?
The GOOD Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Tiny Bubbles
There are six bubbles that I think may contain wishes made at the well.
The booklet gives us "nostalgia, sweet memories, old flames, yearning for the security of the good old days." The reflection is not of the gal kneeling at the pool, but of someone seemingly younger. My first thought was the woman was a selkie, too long trapped on land because of her missing pelt. The image in the water may also be our younger self, or the inner child.
Something to ponder on while I head to a class. I decided to grab six pieces of round sea glass and put in my pocket, a talisman for me today.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
The booklet gives us "nostalgia, sweet memories, old flames, yearning for the security of the good old days." The reflection is not of the gal kneeling at the pool, but of someone seemingly younger. My first thought was the woman was a selkie, too long trapped on land because of her missing pelt. The image in the water may also be our younger self, or the inner child.
Something to ponder on while I head to a class. I decided to grab six pieces of round sea glass and put in my pocket, a talisman for me today.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Give it a go
Trying something new - Yes you may have regrets if you do, I think you may have more regrets if you don't.
There have been times that the fork in the road presented itself, left or right? This way or That? There have also been times that I have stood at that point of decision with indecision and the paths faded. Doing nothing gets you nothing. Change can be good. Time to try something a little different.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
There have been times that the fork in the road presented itself, left or right? This way or That? There have also been times that I have stood at that point of decision with indecision and the paths faded. Doing nothing gets you nothing. Change can be good. Time to try something a little different.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
"Creative collaborations, soul connections, passions inspired by Spirit, artist."
This Queen of Wands seems to be looking out at me and saying "come on Carolyn you know what your heart's desire is." Do I? It changes from year to year and season to season.
I know this, I ain't gonna find it sitting around pondering on it. So I am going to get myself up and moving and let that propel me - forward. Today - anybody's guess.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
This Queen of Wands seems to be looking out at me and saying "come on Carolyn you know what your heart's desire is." Do I? It changes from year to year and season to season.
I know this, I ain't gonna find it sitting around pondering on it. So I am going to get myself up and moving and let that propel me - forward. Today - anybody's guess.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Monday, August 21, 2017
Enjoy yourself
Nine of Water, 'Wishes fulfilled.'
What a truly enchanting card for me today. Any day spent near the water and a chance to meet some of my merepeople kin, is a day in paradise. This mermaid holds a key - to her chest of treasures; I wonder if she always had it or just recently found it on the sea floor and has now unlocked her chest of treasures. Time for me to plan another trip to the seashore.
My favorite website:
I turn to it to remind me of home. I love to look out for passing dolphins, hard to glimpse because of course there are other things to do than watch the to and fro of the ocean.
Enjoy the Solar Eclipse and make plans during this powerful New Moon phase.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
What a truly enchanting card for me today. Any day spent near the water and a chance to meet some of my merepeople kin, is a day in paradise. This mermaid holds a key - to her chest of treasures; I wonder if she always had it or just recently found it on the sea floor and has now unlocked her chest of treasures. Time for me to plan another trip to the seashore.
My favorite website:
I turn to it to remind me of home. I love to look out for passing dolphins, hard to glimpse because of course there are other things to do than watch the to and fro of the ocean.
Enjoy the Solar Eclipse and make plans during this powerful New Moon phase.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Lady Justice with her stoic gaze has lowered her sword of truth and her scales, out of balance.
The booklet that came with cards gives us: "the law of cause and effect is in play...elements in my life balance out. What goes around comes around. I'm now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world." Reminds me of the saying an 'eye for an eye just makes everyone blind.'
Everyone has their own brand of justice. What really 'rights' the scales? Fighting hatred with more hatred begets more hatred. There is no getting even.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
The booklet that came with cards gives us: "the law of cause and effect is in play...elements in my life balance out. What goes around comes around. I'm now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world." Reminds me of the saying an 'eye for an eye just makes everyone blind.'
Everyone has their own brand of justice. What really 'rights' the scales? Fighting hatred with more hatred begets more hatred. There is no getting even.
The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Buckle Up
This month's New Moon occurs auspiciously just as the Moon finishes it's eclipse of the Sun on Monday. What a wave of powerful energies that will be flowing over us. I can already feel feel the shift around me. Renew! If there was a time to begin something new, that time is now.
To add to all this cosmic energy Mercury went Retrograde last Saturday August 12 for three weeks, which is always a good time to re-new, re-energize, re-start, re-cognize, and re-view. Oh-oh, Pluto is also retrograde until mid September or so. I think projects or just about anything started with this New Moon on Monday is really going to pack a punch and re-veal itself by the New Moon next Month.
Hang On!
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
This month's New Moon occurs auspiciously just as the Moon finishes it's eclipse of the Sun on Monday. What a wave of powerful energies that will be flowing over us. I can already feel feel the shift around me. Renew! If there was a time to begin something new, that time is now.
To add to all this cosmic energy Mercury went Retrograde last Saturday August 12 for three weeks, which is always a good time to re-new, re-energize, re-start, re-cognize, and re-view. Oh-oh, Pluto is also retrograde until mid September or so. I think projects or just about anything started with this New Moon on Monday is really going to pack a punch and re-veal itself by the New Moon next Month.
Hang On!
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Friday, August 18, 2017
Happy Little Forest
This forest depiction reminds me of some of those paintings that Bob Ross did in the JOY OF PAINTING on PBS. I would watch him from time to time and enjoyed him as much as his paintings. I love the ease and joy he brought to his audiences as he painted his 'happy little trees' and 'happy little clouds'. I would also get a little peeved with his mastery of bringing such wonderful images to paper when I can barely draw a stick person. Well we each have things we are good at.
I also loved his saying "no mistakes, just happy accidents" when he painted. Now that is good advice for just about a lot of things in Life.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
I also loved his saying "no mistakes, just happy accidents" when he painted. Now that is good advice for just about a lot of things in Life.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Still waters run deep. Is that old adage true? Though the Lake looks quiet and serene, most likely there is all kinds of activity below the surface. The air is so close and thick with humidity that even the crickets have become silent. It may just be too quiet for me. As I have gotten older I enjoy the quiet more. Younger I had to be on the move, keeping things at a fevered pitch, not so much now.
I think I will take a couple of minutes and step into the picture and have a walk around the lake. Like Alice stepping through the looking glass, I might discover more than I anticipated.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards- Steven D Farmer
I think I will take a couple of minutes and step into the picture and have a walk around the lake. Like Alice stepping through the looking glass, I might discover more than I anticipated.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards- Steven D Farmer
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Harbour Wave
I first looked at this card and thought Yikes, what is going to happen today? When I looked at the spelling of Tsunami I saw the anagram of - I am nuts. Almost spelled exactly backward of tsunami. I loved to look at words and find other words or a different meaning in the letters arrangement. Tsunami, a harbour wave. Destructive water. Can also be an over-whelming moment of emotion, when seemingly I can be nuts.
Today, if something 'sets me off' I will try to let the wave of emotion gently roll on by.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Today, if something 'sets me off' I will try to let the wave of emotion gently roll on by.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
We have all been here. The accompanying booklet describes it as being "enmeshed in confusion and uncertainty".
Brain Fog - Clouding of Consciousness. Sometimes we can just get out in the sunshine and let the fog burn away. Other times a really good night's sleep will bring better clarity. A good option is a vacation to blow out the cobwebs. I experience these moments and sometimes days of technical difficulties and work my way through them.
On a different thought, some Farmers keep count of the number of mornings in August that have fog and say that is how many days of snow they will have in the forthcoming winter. I have kept track of this for a few years here and there and it has been fairly accurate, until last year. There was lots of days with fog in August 2016 and we experienced a very mild winter. Climate warming has everything in disarray.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Brain Fog - Clouding of Consciousness. Sometimes we can just get out in the sunshine and let the fog burn away. Other times a really good night's sleep will bring better clarity. A good option is a vacation to blow out the cobwebs. I experience these moments and sometimes days of technical difficulties and work my way through them.
On a different thought, some Farmers keep count of the number of mornings in August that have fog and say that is how many days of snow they will have in the forthcoming winter. I have kept track of this for a few years here and there and it has been fairly accurate, until last year. There was lots of days with fog in August 2016 and we experienced a very mild winter. Climate warming has everything in disarray.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Monday, August 14, 2017
Sacred Space
I watched a Hay House video yesterday evening. It was presented by Denise Linn on Space Clearing and Grounding; now the Tree labeled Grounding. Today I need to spend a bit of time near a tree, maybe pack a lunch and head to the park and enjoy my lunch. I know the perfect tree to perch beneath.
Lovely beings trees are. They do so much for us and and ask nothing in return. They are there for other beings as well, those bears and the bird, and so many more.
The longest and largest growing living thing on the planet is supposedly a grove of Aspen Trees in Colorado. New sprouts spring out of roots just above ground level and are identical to the tree that they spawn from. Neat.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Lovely beings trees are. They do so much for us and and ask nothing in return. They are there for other beings as well, those bears and the bird, and so many more.
The longest and largest growing living thing on the planet is supposedly a grove of Aspen Trees in Colorado. New sprouts spring out of roots just above ground level and are identical to the tree that they spawn from. Neat.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Sunday, August 13, 2017
I wonder if more could hold this view if they would change and the World would be a better, kinder place for all.
This is my World card for today.
My hope springs eternal.
I wonder if more could hold this view if they would change and the World would be a better, kinder place for all.
This is my World card for today.
My hope springs eternal.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Awe Crud.
Hope this won't be a day of not feeling well or something occurs that I get all, despondent over.
I was a not so pretty, badly broken, gal when I came through the tornado trauma five years ago. Only once do remember saying "Why Me?" Well why not me? I would not have wished what I went through and I am still going through on another. Sometimes stuff happens. One thing I did learn to adjust to, was taking offered assistance when given.
Does misery really love company?
The Marco Polo Tarot
Hope this won't be a day of not feeling well or something occurs that I get all, despondent over.
I was a not so pretty, badly broken, gal when I came through the tornado trauma five years ago. Only once do remember saying "Why Me?" Well why not me? I would not have wished what I went through and I am still going through on another. Sometimes stuff happens. One thing I did learn to adjust to, was taking offered assistance when given.
Does misery really love company?
The Marco Polo Tarot
Friday, August 11, 2017
Talk about your 'ship coming in.'
I have been hearing in my head on different days "it's a sign"
Is this draw of the Ace of Pentacles a sign that today is a good day? Guess I will have the answer to that in about twelve hours.
Everybody is out to celebrate this boat that has come to port. Others in their boats, celebrants at the windows and on the balcony. I am sure there are those at the docks waiting to off load the goods. Everybody loves a bit of good news.
The Marco Polo Tarot
I have been hearing in my head on different days "it's a sign"
Is this draw of the Ace of Pentacles a sign that today is a good day? Guess I will have the answer to that in about twelve hours.
Everybody is out to celebrate this boat that has come to port. Others in their boats, celebrants at the windows and on the balcony. I am sure there are those at the docks waiting to off load the goods. Everybody loves a bit of good news.
The Marco Polo Tarot
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Give until there is nothing left to give.
This Queen of Cups seems hollowed out. Her emotional well is depleted and she can barely hold up her cup. From time to time I get to feeling this way; drained with nothing left to give or offer. Others do it us and and sometimes we do it to ourselves.
I best be on guard with my emotional commitments today.
"The thing about some people, if they did it to you once, they will do it to you again."
The Marco Polo Tarot
This Queen of Cups seems hollowed out. Her emotional well is depleted and she can barely hold up her cup. From time to time I get to feeling this way; drained with nothing left to give or offer. Others do it us and and sometimes we do it to ourselves.
I best be on guard with my emotional commitments today.
"The thing about some people, if they did it to you once, they will do it to you again."
The Marco Polo Tarot
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Deceptive in words or actions.
Duplicitous, a much more interesting word than sneaky, or untrustworthy. Does the description make the intent any less harmful?
As my timeline continues I noticed that the things that I want or need have changed. Now in my later days, a bit of comfort and security are high on the list.
Good in school.
Prom queen or academic
Solid job/career
Promotion/Up the ladder
House with picket fence
A good night's sleep.
The Marco Polo Tarot
Duplicitous, a much more interesting word than sneaky, or untrustworthy. Does the description make the intent any less harmful?
As my timeline continues I noticed that the things that I want or need have changed. Now in my later days, a bit of comfort and security are high on the list.
Good in school.
Prom queen or academic
Solid job/career
Promotion/Up the ladder
House with picket fence
A good night's sleep.
The Marco Polo Tarot
Monday, August 7, 2017
Not for me
Ill gotten counsel.
I was whining to a couple of friends the other day. Just a little venting and their advice was based on what they thought was best for me. I appreciated their concern and I was a bit tempted by their suggestions, then after further consideration I knew it was not good for me.
As in the typical Two of Swords, I need to sit quietly with myself and figure out my source of discontent and act on it accordingly.
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it." -Terry Pratchett
Marco Polo Tarot
I was whining to a couple of friends the other day. Just a little venting and their advice was based on what they thought was best for me. I appreciated their concern and I was a bit tempted by their suggestions, then after further consideration I knew it was not good for me.
As in the typical Two of Swords, I need to sit quietly with myself and figure out my source of discontent and act on it accordingly.
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it." -Terry Pratchett
Marco Polo Tarot
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Work and Play
I believe this knight's journey is back to a day when being out and about and riding his horse was more enjoyable.
Can I still capture some of my youthful exuberance? Is there time? Do I have the means or the energy? Watching children play with all their boundless energy, I and others often state "I wish I could bottle some of that energy and use for myself." Once upon a time, many suns ago I too had that seemingly inexhaustible sense of magic and marvel. Maybe like the knight I need to travel to days gone by and begin my search.
Artwork - Severino Baraldi
Can I still capture some of my youthful exuberance? Is there time? Do I have the means or the energy? Watching children play with all their boundless energy, I and others often state "I wish I could bottle some of that energy and use for myself." Once upon a time, many suns ago I too had that seemingly inexhaustible sense of magic and marvel. Maybe like the knight I need to travel to days gone by and begin my search.
Artwork - Severino Baraldi
Friday, August 4, 2017
p, q, i, t's
I drew the Nine of Cups again this morning. I placed back in the deck and reshuffled and then searched and found again and the card following it for a deeper understanding about what the Nine had to relay to me.
August is a big month with lots of cosmic activity. Not only do we have the Solar Eclipse on August 21, there is a Lunar Eclipse this Sunday that coincides with the Full Moon. The lunar eclipse will not be visible on this side of the Planet, still it's influence is bound to be felt. Also Mercury goes retrograde on August 12th. With all that, August is considered the Hungry Ghost month in Chinese Astrology; potential threats and criminal activity are highlighted, especially in the evening hours and my guess would be during the Solar Eclipse when parts of North America will be shrouded in darkness. So back to my cards, August is supposed to be a fairly auspicious month for me and Temperance advises me not to get to involved with all the fray and maybe a few prayers will help too. p-q-i-t is my take on mind my pints and quarts and dot my i's and cross my t's.
The CHINESE Tarot - Jui Guoliang
August is a big month with lots of cosmic activity. Not only do we have the Solar Eclipse on August 21, there is a Lunar Eclipse this Sunday that coincides with the Full Moon. The lunar eclipse will not be visible on this side of the Planet, still it's influence is bound to be felt. Also Mercury goes retrograde on August 12th. With all that, August is considered the Hungry Ghost month in Chinese Astrology; potential threats and criminal activity are highlighted, especially in the evening hours and my guess would be during the Solar Eclipse when parts of North America will be shrouded in darkness. So back to my cards, August is supposed to be a fairly auspicious month for me and Temperance advises me not to get to involved with all the fray and maybe a few prayers will help too. p-q-i-t is my take on mind my pints and quarts and dot my i's and cross my t's.
The CHINESE Tarot - Jui Guoliang
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Confucius as the card of Judgement confuses me. He appears more
likely The Hierophant. I remember in my younger days there were a bunch
of witty, sarcastic one liners "ahh, Conficius say"
One of his tenets was "do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself." - The Golden Rule
Can we ever know what another does or doesn't want? What I need or want is different than the next, and I think much different in different cultures. When Confucius live 551-479 B.C. rural China had to be much different than the China today and America was still off the edge of the flat Earth.
I best not decide or judge what is best for another, besides I have enough work dealing with myself.
The CHINESE Tarot - Jui Guoliang
One of his tenets was "do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself." - The Golden Rule
Can we ever know what another does or doesn't want? What I need or want is different than the next, and I think much different in different cultures. When Confucius live 551-479 B.C. rural China had to be much different than the China today and America was still off the edge of the flat Earth.
I best not decide or judge what is best for another, besides I have enough work dealing with myself.
The CHINESE Tarot - Jui Guoliang
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The elusive missing 'something'
Most of us are still searching for the that elusive something-something. Well at least I am. Just about the time I have all my cups in a row, I feel like there should be 'something' else. In the Eight of Cups the search began and once found, we may possibly realize that we had everything we really already needed.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?”
― John L. Betcher, The Missing Element
The CHINESE Tarot -Guoliang
Most of us are still searching for the that elusive something-something. Well at least I am. Just about the time I have all my cups in a row, I feel like there should be 'something' else. In the Eight of Cups the search began and once found, we may possibly realize that we had everything we really already needed.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?”
― John L. Betcher, The Missing Element
The CHINESE Tarot -Guoliang
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
The companion booklet to the cards gives us The Cupids of China, the god of harmony and the goddess of union.
The card brings to mind children and life long relationships, most likely since I am thinking life long, would be siblings. I had four sisters and two brothers growing up. A couple of others that didn't make it and and a brother and sister that left the planet some years back. None of us got along that well as children and those of us that remain don't get along all that well in these later years. Funny that.
Not much harmony and union then, now, and the time in between.
The CHINESE Tarot Jui Guoliang
The card brings to mind children and life long relationships, most likely since I am thinking life long, would be siblings. I had four sisters and two brothers growing up. A couple of others that didn't make it and and a brother and sister that left the planet some years back. None of us got along that well as children and those of us that remain don't get along all that well in these later years. Funny that.
Not much harmony and union then, now, and the time in between.
The CHINESE Tarot Jui Guoliang
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Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
Confucius as the card of Judgement confuses me. He appears more likely The Hierophant. I remember in my younger days there were a bunch ...
From the booklet ~ Traditional card: The Hermit, keywords - meditation, withdrawal, introspection. I have had this deck for a number of...