Monday, April 24, 2017


The Ace of Wands.  What a auspicious card to draw at the start of the week.

All that wonderful energy.  I need it.  I am fascinated by the little wren that is about to perch on the wands end.  Such a little bird to be able to sing such a loud and lovely song.  Just reminded me of the quote to do with -' even the smallest among you can make a change', or something like that.   I have been in a holding pattern in my life and it is a bit of a bore; hopefully all this wand energy of late suggests that a bit of vitality and something new is about shine through in my life. 
And I can 'cherry pick' what I want to do with that energy.  Ha!

the Green Witch - Ann Moura


  1. Good morning. I have an appointment mid-day. One problem with retirement is keeping on a course, when, well, I have to leave in three hour so why get started with anything :)

    1. What? I thought retirement meant no more schedules. I do the same thing. If I got an appointment later in day might as well relax and goof till then. I know that I could never go back to an 9-5 job.

  2. I bet that little bird is going to eat those cherries before they are gone. :) Seize the moment of opportunity!

    1. Now that is a great take on that card. Thank you.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...