Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ouch that hurt

This looks to be an old tower of isolation.  With the monastic temples at the base of the Tower, it looks to be where one would isolate themselves to in an attempt to purify the mind.  A possible prison of sorts, like being locked away in a tower.  The lighting strike clears away the the old tradition that I have to lock away my intuition indicated with the full moon and trust myself.

Yet another Major card this week.  With the Green Man and the Star and now the Tower I have to say something is up.  Hopefully I won't have some major shake up of a big tower moment, but you never know.  I do spend way too much time on my own and I do need to get out of my tower.
In an attempt to get out more I signed up to take a class to become a adult literacy tutor.  Today I will spend the day in class at the local library with other participants learning how we can be of assistance to others and help them learn to read. Four hours last night and 8 hours of instructions today and then we will be paired up with a individual that has requested assistance.  I love to read and look forward to this new endeavor.   Carp Diem!



  1. What a fantastic way to give back to the community. Reading and books are high on my gratitude list. :)

  2. Wow, what a great idea! Without the ability to read fluently a student is doomed. Thank you for your service to our country.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...