Thursday, April 14, 2016

Gaze casting

Not your typical King of Pentacles.  This King is ancient and is ready to pass his command to the next.  His direct gaze and green cloak make me think of The Hermit.  Most of us come to a time that the material things in life become not so important and cumbersome, we become more interested in what comes next for us. We turn our gaze inward and ask ourselves, who, what, when, where, and the whys of our lives. I see the four elements in this card, the pentacle for Earth and also present is Fire in the King's scepter, Water in the meandering river, and  hovering above a bird for Air.

"The Planet does not need more successful people.  The Planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, story tellers, and lovers of all kinds."  - The Dalai Lama

Good words, wise words for when we cast off the demands of family and society and begin our search...

The Tarot of Durer  ~ Lo Scarabeo


  1. the courts are often the most interesting cards in a deck. well done with this one.

    1. Hope you are having a beautiful and lovely vacation. Post a pic and give us a blog post about the area, that is only if you want

  2. He does look a little grumpy - as you said, maybe he's just ready to retire. Maybe I could send him some fuzzy socks for his bare feet. :) I read something yesterday that talked about how all the stuff we buy to make like easier often creates more problems because we have to take care of it rather than it taking care of us.

    1. I noticed his bare foot and only one hand displayed, his right side is covered. Guess he is already casting off some of the societal stuff.

  3. I can relate to needing less stuff to be happy. I don't even have a deck wishlist anymore :)


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...