Hope Springs Eternal
I have made a hash of things in regards to exiting from my sales career. One more, one more my ego tells me. One more because they asked me or needed me. I know when I step aside there are hundreds more ready, willing, and able to take my place, maybe that is why I take 'one more' because I don't want to admit that I am that easily replaced. Restless all night thinking of my exit. The Star this morning gives me hope that today is a good day for figuring out my next move. I get to choose my outcome by my choices and participation what and where I 'pour' my intentions. The reason I am lingering is because I don't know what I want to do next and I can't fathom what I want to do next because my heart and mind are focused on what I don't want to do. A vicious little cycle I have created. The Star - light has spotlighted this issue.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
I don't think we get to the Star without getting worn out or walloped first. I imagine there are so many other wonderful things you could do - for fun or volunteering - that would bring you great joy. (((C)))