Tuesday, May 31, 2022

One of the Virtues?


Is patience really a virtue?  Accept or tolerate delays without becoming annoyed. I have found it difficult to wait for others especially when their delays become habitual. "how dare they assume that their time is more valuable than mine," when these occasions happen. I have gotten much better, trying to change my focus on them and their delays, and focus on why I let it bother me so much. The other day I played the waiting game twice and successfully converted my mind set to awareness, and patiently waited for others. Was I virtuous, not really, just more relaxed and contemplative as I waited. 

My other thought on this card is, Carolyn be careful today in a situation where I might lose my head.(ha)  If you think about it that is kind of what happens when you get angry while waiting for another. Well a little bit at least.

Spiritsong Tarot

Monday, May 30, 2022

Sunny Days


Nothing better than Sunny Days. Summer is here. Enjoy, thrive, get out and about. They don't last forever and that is as it should be. Seasons change and so do we. Make the most of the days and enjoy them as they come. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Let it go


The longer we hold on to that which no longer works for us, the longer it takes us to realize the possibilities that await us. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Friday, May 27, 2022

Waiting with patience


"Ladybugs Katherine, lots and lots of ladybugs" ~ Under the Tuscan Sun (movie)

Sometimes we want and wish for a thing too hard, too much. Best to set your intention and send it out into the Universe. Don't worry about when your 'ladybug' shows up, just know that it will. The waiting on can be a nail biter. Focus on the here and now; that's the real challenge, waiting with patience.

Spiritsong Tarot

Thursday, May 26, 2022

What were you thinking?


Every time I encounter the Ten of Swords however it is depicted, I tend to worry, mostly unnecessarily about whatever may or may not happen. Whatever that may be, can become my reality if my focus is on danger. Change your thoughts and change the outcome. Soothe the troubled worry. Perspective becomes Reality. 


Spiritsong Tarot

Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Change happens when something has runs its course. Something ends so something can begin. Confusion and uncertainty can overwhelm, but the urge to move, to change, to transition propels us on. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Tuesday, May 24, 2022



Do we wait for something to come to us or go out on a limb and take action to achieve? Sometimes we have to dare ourselves; be bold and go for it. Playing safe is usually a good choice, but sometimes...

Spiritsong Tarot

Monday, May 23, 2022

Social Introvert


Several years back, more like seven years ago, someone described me as a Social Introvert. Mostly we should ignore any labels that are hung on us, ignoring what others think, but this one fit. Reticent around others when I was younger, I began to speak up as in high school when I did a part-time waitressing job; learning that the more I interacted with others the better tip I usually received. That trend has continued for most of my working life and now that I am focusing on retiring I have found myself retreating to my quiet self. Like this Knight of Pentacles, only socializing with intent. 

SPIRITSONG Tarot ~ Pauline Cassidy

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Everyday magic


Preparation is the basis of success.  When considering changes in and to our lives it is best to review our skill set, items and attitudes that are at hand, things that come naturally to us. First think about what we can improve in our lives before making changes, taking a look back before moving forward. What looks like magic to another is just a well prepared plan in action.

The Green Witch Tarot

Friday, May 20, 2022

Bottoms up


For me, a very literal interpretation is to drink lots of water today, to flush through whatever is upsetting my stomach and intestinal tract. It is going to be a very warm day here so lots of water will be a second reason to drink lots of it. 

The Green Witch Tarot

Thursday, May 19, 2022

We decide


Just about the time we think we have it all under control and things are going pretty smoothly for us, whomp, Life deals us another situation. Something that challenges us, something that makes us doubt ourselves. Yes, Life does throw us a curve ball here and there, the Wheel spins and things change and sometimes it is our own doing that undermines us. We don't trust the good times or we get bored and need a new challenge. I wonder about this gal; is she putting that last wand up or taking it down in preparation?  Either way I fear for her and that blazing fire sparking and setting her clothing on fire. Is the Challenge within or without?

The Green Witch Tarot

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Time apart


Interesting that this Hermit is not apart. He has a stag for a walking companion and in the distance, we can see someone waiting at the window for his return. Maybe he is out for his nightly after dinner walk. A bit of time for planning. We do not necessarily need to retreat to a mountain top to get in-touch with ourselves. Quiet moments of introspection and meditation are needed throughout our day. 

The Green Witch Tarot

Tuesday, May 17, 2022



These days of drifting are a bit disconcerting. I am between wanting to do something and knowing I need this time of doing nothing. Adapting and deviating from the norm makes me a bit restless. I am considering taking a class but not sure what I really want to learn or who I might want to listen to. 

'When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.'

The Green Witch Tarot

Monday, May 16, 2022



Negative expectation. I wonder how often we bring the worry and anxiety to our door because we worry ourselves to the point of its occurrence?  This morning all is well in my world, but the draw of this card had me thinking "oh no what now?"  If I start looking for shadows then I know I will find them. There are days when we are the cause and effect of what seemingly goes wrong, so therefore we can be the cause and effect of all that is right. 

The Green Witch Tarot - Ann Moura

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Pack horse


Today this Ten of Wands feels like a fairly accurate depiction of me. As I wind down my career in direct sales I find myself with lots of extra time and I am trying to keep from filling that time with mindless blather. For years and even more years that my twenty-five year stint in sales, I seemingly have been carrying others worry, fear, angst, and ineptness. I think as long as I had others problems to deal with I really didn't have to worry about my own feelings of self-worth. My quiet time has lead to a lot of unquietness in my mind. Time to settle down and start releasing each of those bundles I carry. 

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Friday, May 13, 2022



Selfcare is Healthcare. You don't need to go along to get along.  Sure there is lots to be shared and gained with others, but when it's not in your best interest, then stand apart. The thing is don't spend your time brooding about, enjoy your time.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Expansive Action


Another Knight. Yesterday the Knight of Wands, getting something started, and today the Knight of Pentacles, taking that thought and expanding that idea into motion. I wonder if all this action in my cards has to do with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, that moved out of Pisces on the 10th to Aries yesterday. Aries is all about action. Expansive Action. If one was ready to start something new, right now would be that time.  

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

It is what it is


So, someone handed you your hat, you were ready to go anyway.  Knights are on the move. If someone was offended they can get over it. You're not sticking around to placate them. What's done is done, let's move on.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Open-ended question


Earlier this morning I awoke from a dream that challenged my sense of fairness.  It was just a dream, with weird bits of this 'n that. Like pieces of several puzzles all mixed together. Even now, hours later I am still unsettled and out of balance. Today I must be conscious of the fact that I may treat others with suspect. At least today I am aware that the dream has me wary of others. I wonder how many times in days past have I lived my day being overly cautious because of dreamtime?

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Teacher

 It happens to all of us. Some move beyond the moment sooner than others. We each experience pain and sorrow in our own way. No getting through life without these moments.  Sometimes we can get caught up in the whys and wherefores, when there may be no reasoning to be found. That's just Life, some good and some not so good. Experience is the Teacher.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Make it do or do without.

Practical, what a blase' description to have hung on oneself, but practical can be all good. The Queen of Pentacles is steadfast and true, bless her practical soul. Make it do or do without, is definitely advice she would give.

Scorpio Sea Tarit

Saturday, May 7, 2022



I started week with the Queen of Cups and ending with the King of Cups. I am going to ponder on this today, since I have to rush out and view a home with a client. I really need to think on this and how I feel about continuing working in direct sales. To be honest I need a break from it all and was hoping to take the Summer off and from there easing my way out completely. There is always a reason to show...just one more. But how do I feel about? The Queen started my week with asking how do I feel about the whole process and The King advises to set boundaries and really listen to my feelings as to what is best for me.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Friday, May 6, 2022

Go Baby Go


It's Derby time here in my area.  Today the running of the Fillies in the Kentucky Oaks, tomorrow the Derby.  'Go Baby Go! was and is the chant when the horses head down the final stretch. For me, today I am going to see an orthopedic surgeon to see what can be done to help my knees until I can have surgery much later this year. Possibly an injection to give some relief, between the knees and the neuropathy, this girl doesn't make it down the block, much less the home stretch. This card gives me a bit of hope for success. 

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Another go


So things didn't work out. Remember the old adage 'try, try, and try, again.  Thomas Edison worked and failed many times when trying to make a lightbulb. 

"I didn't fail; I just found 2000 ways not to make a lightbulb. "       ~Thomas Edison

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Wednesday, May 4, 2022



The other day I read one of those silly questions that asked, 'if you had to choose just three items to eat for a month, what would they be?' Well bread would be one of those three for me. Bread was one of those things that got me and my siblings through our childhood. The shelves and the table may not have had much to offer in our home, but bread was always available. My Mother, bless her soul, did all she could to stretch a thin budget to feed all of us. She visited the Day Old Bread store a couple of times a week. Bread sustained us. PB&J, milk gravy on toast, egg sandwiches, more PB&J.  I don't remember Mother baking her own bread, mostly because she was so busy having babies and raising kids; Mother did pretty darn good, all things considered. It can be the simple things that nurture us, bread is a very good example. Maybe today I will have a cheddar cheese sandwich on crusty french bread. Yum.

The Scorpio Sea Tarot

Tuesday, May 3, 2022



Judgement. I have seen or drawn Judgement on several occasions recently. Here on the blog, a personal spread, and on an advertisement. With multiple appearances I have been pondering the implications. 'The Call' The Change 'A Crossroads' An Awakening' Those all seem like momentous implications. How about another explanation that 'The Change' has already occurred, suggesting I just need to acknowledge that and move on? This Judgement depiction makes me think of Thought over Feeling, though feelings/intuition is a better choice for decision making, at least for me. I remember when I was in the hospital back in September with cardiac event, there was a recommendation of 'Answer the Call' when it comes.  I have thought of that conversation and wondered about 'The Call' that was supposedly on its way. Did I miss it? Is it coming? So many questions with these appearances of Judgement. I cannot force what I am not sure of, so I wait. 

I am not sure what "Our Dead Drink The Sea, means. I searched the internet and it seemingly is from some game. What it means here? I am open to suggestions.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Monday, May 2, 2022

Look and Listen


This Queen of Cups has some rather large ears, better for listening.  There is that old saying "two ears and one mouth." Today I need to look and listen. Someone may need to be heard or there is something I need to hear.  Since this is a Queen of Cups it may indicate that taking my time to listen to another will be a very good thing. Either way I need to pay attention to what is being said.  

The Scorpio Sea Tarot ~ Maggie Stiefvater

Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day


May Day, May 1st, a lovely time to celebrate Spring, Beltane.   Spring has finally taken hold in the area! So many shades of green. There are flowers blooming and birds singing. Time enough to enjoy the wonderfulness of the Earth. 

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...