Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Step right up


The Wheel of Fortune, step right up and take a spin. Well actually everyday we are on the Wheel of Fortune. Today marks the half-way point in the year. The Earth continues her spin and spun off another minute of daylight in my part of the world; that's two minutes since the the Solstice. The shorter daylight timing is not noticeable yet, but the spinning wheel reminds me that change is always part of lives. Day in, Day out. I need to notice how I spend my days. We don't get the time back, enjoy it wisely.

The Fountain Tarot

Tuesday, June 29, 2021



When a plan comes together, time to lift your cups and congratulate yourself.  First though make sure you have a plan, then prepare and implement.  Nothing comes from nothing, so bringing it all together requires getting started.  That's the snag, getting started.  

The year is just about half-way through. What didn't I get started on that I planned at first of year. Still six months to implement and complete.

The Fountain Tarot

Monday, June 28, 2021

In my life


"There are places I'll remember, All my life though some have changed. Some forever, not for better. Some have gone and some remain. - 

In My Life ~ Beatles

One of my favorite songs. This Star draw reminds me of the light that shines on some of my memories, some are good and some not.  They are mine and I will keep them all, because they are a part of me.  Anything less and I would not be me. That could be better or may not.  Coming to the point of acceptance is part of the Dance of Life.

The Fountain Tarot

Sunday, June 27, 2021

What is in those cups


There seems to be much uncertainty in the world in general and also in my corner of it. More and more people are grasping at what ifs. I don't know, I do know that the constant circulating of the what ifs is a bit overwhelming. Do this, don't do that. If the choices we seemingly have to make are like shimmering mirages, can a valid decision be made? 

The Fountain Tarot

Saturday, June 26, 2021


"That which does not kill us makes us stronger" F Nietzsche

Why? Why suffer at all? What lessons are learned with adversity? The Covid Pandemic is a good example. Some are grateful to have made it to the other side and others filled with fear and anger.  Did we learn anything? Did we unite and become stronger together? Nope. Everyone talks about getting back to normal. Why? What was before and during was nothing all that great, why hurry up and go back?  Is fear, anger, and indifference really what we aspire to return to? I wonder what the history books will catalogue a hundred, two hundred years from now.

The Fountain Tarot

Friday, June 25, 2021

Feeling over Thought


Yesterday evening I watched the Moon rise. Gorgeous, full, deep orange in color, the appearance of  Luna was spectacular.  Then she dipped behind the cloud cover and did not reappear. Her energies were and still are prevalent. I never sleep well during the night of the Full Moon, and last night was no exception. Today any action I may take will require me to trust my intuition and feelings on a matter, as my brain is a bit muddled.

The Fountain Tarot

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Wishful thinking


To wish for something doesn't make it true. Most likely there is work to be done. Habits changed. Action implemented. 

"Do or do not, there is no try" ~ Master Yoda

The Fountain Tarot

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Side view


Mirror and match.  What is on the other side of the looking glass?  When the mind has a thought, it passes through our system and the body responds with a feeling. The mind receives the 'feeling' response and has a thought about that. The loop begins and a new neuro-pathway establishes itself in our system.  In the last few days I have become more aware of some of those patterns. Repeating a previous scenario in my mind and the body responds with a emotion just like I was living that moment over again, reinforcing those neuro-pathways. The mind responds and then the body responds; what a messy maze. Those looping pathways are comfortable response patterns that the mind/body is accustomed to. Change takes a lot of self-awareness and work to establish new neuro-pathways.  I have been looking for a job, and there it was, right inside my brain. 

2nd day in a row, a mention of mirrors. Wonder what my mind/body connections are trying to show me?

The Fountain Tarot

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Wisdom and Integrity


Mercury goes direct today. Still the energy of it's retrograde motion lingers a bit. The appearance of going backward is just an illusion from our vantage point here on Earth. Like a house of mirrors, we, are who we are but appear different with angled mirrors. The King of Swords reminds me to be fair in my dealings today. Stand up for what is right, but remember we each have a variant viewpoint of what is 'right'

The Fountain Tarot

Monday, June 21, 2021



Yesterday afternoon I went to a Crystal Bowl Meditation for the Summer Solstice. On my return home I spotted two children, a little girl about 4 and her brother maybe 6, out in their home's driveway, apparently washing Daddy's car, possibly for a Father's Day gift. Both down to just their shorts with more soap on them then on the vehicle and the girl hosing her brother and not the car. I laughed with them in their joy as I drove by.  As I pulled in my driveway just around the corner, I gave myself over to a moment of reflection, back to the little girl I once was, playing in her backyard on a warm first day of Summer; walking barefoot through the grass, basking in the sunshine. I need to get back to that, restore me to my core self. 

The Fountain Tarot - Jonathan Saiz, Jason Gruhl, Andi Todaro

Sunday, June 20, 2021



Labyrinth: a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way. 

Sounds kind of similar to our life's path. Parents, ancestors, educators, and other founts of information seemingly prepare us for day to day life and the days following. Left, right, the journey is really ours alone. Sometimes we lose or way and begin again, other days we shoot a flare up for help, and yes there are days that are successfully navigated, but the Labyrinth continues to expand and our journey continues. Later today, late this evening, the Summer Solstice marks our journey. A sacred time, a moment for us to pause and consider our continuing journey on our passage through Life.

"I wonder as I wonder, Is this a welcome place? Then find as I progress, This path has sacred grace."~ Ravensdaughter

The Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth - France

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...