Sunday, August 4, 2019


This page kind of looks like the flying monkeys in Oz.  With no wings she was the unique one. Lots of us have differences, some more apparent than others.  This page has become a collector of trinkets, oddities, and bits of this n that. Maybe they bring her comfort when the other are out on the wing.
Look for the unusual today and celebrate it.

So many lives lost and changed with the hate mongering that surrounds us.  It is the differences in us that make us wondrous.
Are we a losing battle?

SPIRITSONG Tarot ~ Paulina Cassidy


  1. I think it is only a losing battle if those of us who recognize that diversity is not a bad thing keep silent. Still, it makes my heart hurt.

  2. we as a whole never stood a chance. we as individuals can always win, day to day.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...