Everyday there is something to be grateful for. Appreciation of one thing will call to mind others and let the count begin.
Thank you. Those are magic words.
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Gratitude can open something up inside us, and allows us to always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
Magic, maybe. Appreciation, definitely.
Magic, maybe. Appreciation, definitely.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
I am grateful that I choose, I decide. A freedom many forget they have and many that don't choose to use.
The oracle may suggest that something is not for me, still ultimately I choose. Wonder of wonders, a new day with new options.
Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid
The oracle may suggest that something is not for me, still ultimately I choose. Wonder of wonders, a new day with new options.
Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Taken for granted
The most basic and essential thing of our lives and our bodies, is the the Breath. This last year or so I have had four bouts of cold or flu like symptoms. Before these episodes began about this time last year, I had not had a respiratory issue in maybe six or seven years so I wonder why. Hard to breath when you are sick with cold and flu. I am trying to remember to breathe more deeply to keep my lungs clear. Thank goodness I can still draw a breath.
Now to follow that thread of breath thought back to beginning of these episodes to the event horizon; which I already know.
The Wisdom of the Oracle.
Now to follow that thread of breath thought back to beginning of these episodes to the event horizon; which I already know.
The Wisdom of the Oracle.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Along the way
Everywhere I go today and everything along my path, I am going to say thank you. Challenging, yes, but I am going to give it my best voice of appreciation. An attitude of gratitude.
"This is a wonderful day. I've never seen it before."
- Maya Angelou
"This is a wonderful day. I've never seen it before."
- Maya Angelou
Sunday, November 25, 2018
I have always valued my brain; even the times I said "what was I thinking!" When I was injured and they were trying to stabilize me, I asked how bad it was. One medic said "you have a serious head wound" and I asked " are my brains leaking out?"
True, and it was recorded on the dash-cam video in the emergency vehicle. I am grateful for my brain and things I have had the luxury to learn, not everyone knows how to read and write or are allowed to make decisions for themselves. Thank goodness I do.
Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid
True, and it was recorded on the dash-cam video in the emergency vehicle. I am grateful for my brain and things I have had the luxury to learn, not everyone knows how to read and write or are allowed to make decisions for themselves. Thank goodness I do.
Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid
Saturday, November 24, 2018
How often do we tell and retell ourselves the same old sad stories of chaos and fear with generous heaping of complaints.
These ongoing days of Gratitude have helped me tune out that almost ceaseless background grind. I am replacing the spin with gratitude, appreciation, and wonder.
This month I have had to replace my glasses, have plumbing repairs done, and have not wrote a contract-no business, no money. Normally I would be filled with worry and woe, not so this month. Thankfully I have the resources to replace the glasses and get the plumbing repaired. As to no work, I am sure the Universe is giving me this pause to have some R&R.
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. Yay for me!
Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid
Friday, November 23, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Earth Magic
Thanksgiving. Today I am most grateful to the Great Mother, Earth and all of her attending fairies. Everywhere I look I can see her magic at work. Sure there is the other stuff, but underlying it all is goodness and wholeness that is available from the Earth.
Happy Thanksgiving
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Happy Thanksgiving
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Yesterday I saw someone that I have not spoken to in years. After a moment of hesitation, something shifted inside and the anger just dropped away and a moment of clarity, peace, and forgiveness entered and replaced the other. In that same instant I felt that the Universe conspired to place this person front and center. We both needed the moment of forgiveness and I am grateful that the Universe opened that gateway.
Forgiveness does not change the past, it will change my future.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Forgiveness does not change the past, it will change my future.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
I was reading in the booklet that dragonfly larve spend up to four years in water until they pupate. The nymph eventually climbs up on a rock to sun itself and the dragonfly emerges. Change. I am grateful I am still up for changes. They can be a bit more unsettling and at times a challenge. I still can climb myself up and sun myself a bit and get on with what Life holds in-store for me.
I look forward to today and a change that might be a bit exciting and fun.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
I look forward to today and a change that might be a bit exciting and fun.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Monday, November 19, 2018
Crystal Clarity
What we focus on expands. My focus these thirty days of November is on Gratitude. And the more I think on the people, places and things; the bits of this n that that I encounter, the more I have to be grateful for.
I think I will put one of my crystals in my pocket today and remind myself to focus only on the positive.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
I think I will put one of my crystals in my pocket today and remind myself to focus only on the positive.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards
Sunday, November 18, 2018
I am thankful for family. Big reason, if not, I wouldn't be here. Yesterday my younger sister that lives nearby and I traveled a bit north to visit our other two sisters in Indianapolis for a biannual visit. I always wondered how the same two people, my parents, could create seven very different individuals, me and my sibs. As we get older we begin to differ even more. Still they are family and there are good memories mixed throughout my neurons and lessons we learned along the way. Thank you for family near and far, weird and weirder, thank you.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards - Steven D Farmer
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
Enhanced vision
Well the other day, I stepped on my glasses and yep, time for a new pair. I was thinking that I wanted a new pair and was delaying the process. Well the Universe stepped in - literally. I pulled out my old pair and even though my vision has not much changed these last few years I needed to keep them as a backup so yesterday off to VisionWorks. Though my jingle-jangle in my pockets has been lessened, I am super grateful for the technology of optometry. With glasses I get to see lots more of the bits of this n that that my unaided eyes would miss and driving would be out of the question. So thank you to those dedicated professionals that make my life more
SpiritSong Tarot
SpiritSong Tarot
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Thinking about the young woman under the Tree of Knowledge in the typical Four of Cups, I wondered about whether there is evidence of disenchantment or just a comfortable knowing that the Universe will provide her with the something something she is looking for.
Today I am grateful for the warmth of my home. Overnight there was a bit of ice accumulation and some lost their electricity in the early morning hours and are still without. Brr.
I have all I need and if the Universe wants to offer me something extra, I am okay with that.
SpiritSong Tarot
Today I am grateful for the warmth of my home. Overnight there was a bit of ice accumulation and some lost their electricity in the early morning hours and are still without. Brr.
I have all I need and if the Universe wants to offer me something extra, I am okay with that.
SpiritSong Tarot
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Lovely bits of this n that to enchant me throughout my day.
Birds on the wing.
Honking songs from geese overhead.
Smile from a stranger.
Smile to a stranger.
Winter's first snowflake.
Hot bowl of soup.
Spiritsong Tarot
Lovely bits of this n that to enchant me throughout my day.
Birds on the wing.
Honking songs from geese overhead.
Smile from a stranger.
Smile to a stranger.
Winter's first snowflake.
Hot bowl of soup.
Spiritsong Tarot
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder.
If we can learn to look beyond the superficial, what wonder is there to see. If I can learn to look below my fear and anger to the wonder of Carolyn, good, great. If I can do the same for others, Wowza! Thank goodness I have today to give myself this opportunity. Tomorrow maybe, but since tomorrow is not promised.
Grateful for another day.
If we can learn to look beyond the superficial, what wonder is there to see. If I can learn to look below my fear and anger to the wonder of Carolyn, good, great. If I can do the same for others, Wowza! Thank goodness I have today to give myself this opportunity. Tomorrow maybe, but since tomorrow is not promised.
Grateful for another day.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Beast of Burden
There have been times in my life that I have shouldered too much and too many things. Thankfully those days I think are over. I do not over extend myself and in doing so others get to step up. I am glad for this. Lessons. Dependability. Success. Life.
Step away from the helm and let another take on 'all that stuff' I have enough to contend with and to be happy with just minding my own store.
Thankfully my life goes on. Still much to learn, take care, get done, enjoy. Salute!
SpiritSong Tarot - Paulina Cassidy
Step away from the helm and let another take on 'all that stuff' I have enough to contend with and to be happy with just minding my own store.
Thankfully my life goes on. Still much to learn, take care, get done, enjoy. Salute!
SpiritSong Tarot - Paulina Cassidy
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Thank you!
Today I want to state gratitude for two things. First this lovely card that arrived in the mail yesterday, a new rendition from Sue Lion. A greeting card I purchased with the money that I have earned from the clients that I am grateful that I get to work with. I bought the card because she is a mermaid and the artistry is lovely. I am going to frame her and keep her for my personal enjoyment.
"Let the flame within your heart light the way for those who follow." Susan A Lion
"Let the flame within your heart light the way for those who follow." Susan A Lion
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Friday, November 9, 2018
Trees, our witness of time eternal. I wonder what they think of us? Probably not much as we chop and hack at them. Raise them in farms for mass production of paper, wood, and resin products.
I am grateful for the wonderful Fall Foliage display they are giving us and of course all the live sustaining oxygen they produce. I wonder how many people realize that they are destroying their own future; no trees no O2.
Thank you for all the trees everywhere, that they continue to do the best that they can do, and forgive us our trespasses.
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
I am grateful for the wonderful Fall Foliage display they are giving us and of course all the live sustaining oxygen they produce. I wonder how many people realize that they are destroying their own future; no trees no O2.
Thank you for all the trees everywhere, that they continue to do the best that they can do, and forgive us our trespasses.
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Thursday, November 8, 2018
House mates
Thank goodness for pets. I have not had one for awhile, so the time has come. Christmas is close at hand and I believe I will gift myself with a dog or cat. I believe a cat will win out. There is an older girl at the local shelter here that is six year old that has been at the shelter for months. She sounds just about perfect for me and her name is Kitty.
Also grateful for all the people that volunteer at shelters everywhere. Salute!
Also grateful for all the people that volunteer at shelters everywhere. Salute!
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Wow, what a view is to be had up there. Still there are wondrous things to behold all around me/us. I almost lost my vision when I was injured years ago. The doctors were fairly sure I would be blind, from all the dirt and debris embedded in my eyes. Thankfully my sister called their attention to my eyes when their main concern was for my head wound and broken vertebras. For days I would ask for the time, not realizing that only one minute has passed. (drove the family crazy)
I am so grateful that my I retained my vision and for all that I get to behold. Thank you.
ps I am also grateful that I can read a clock. Ha!
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
I am so grateful that my I retained my vision and for all that I get to behold. Thank you.
ps I am also grateful that I can read a clock. Ha!
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
There is nothing more perfect than the sky. Seemless blue or gathered clouds, it is still perfection. The sky is not the limit but a view of limitless, and we are gifted it with everyday. Thank you. I will take a moment to go outside and stretch my arms open and wide and express my gratitude for the all that there is.
"You are the sky. Everything else is just weather."
- Pema Chodron
Native Spirit Oracle Cards- Denise Linn
"You are the sky. Everything else is just weather."
- Pema Chodron
Native Spirit Oracle Cards- Denise Linn
Monday, November 5, 2018
Foundational info
Most of what we learn is in observance of others. Something like 60 or 70 percent of what we know is learned before we even get to the classroom. I am sure that my parents passed along and taught some crap, most of what they learned from their parents. Still I learned many things, colors, numbers, talking, food, walking and running, playing in backyards, big hugs of comfort when I was hurt. Laughter. I am grateful for all the things that others taught me, the good and the not so good. From that education I could make my own choices. Thank you to my parents and other contributing adults that helped me begin my journey.
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Native Spirit Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Today I am grateful for my community. One of the local churches today is having a Peace Prayer Candle-light Vigil, and I am planning to attend. Prayers for peace for our community, our nation, the politicians and the voting process. For the World. Lovely.
Peace On!
Magic & Myth Oracle Cards - Sue Lion
Peace On!
Magic & Myth Oracle Cards - Sue Lion
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Grateful for: Perspective.
It really does matter how we perceive the world around us.
Obstacles or gifts?
Opportunities or grievance?
Oh Ya! or groan?
Overjoyed or gripe?
Thank you!
It really does matter how we perceive the world around us.
Obstacles or gifts?
Opportunities or grievance?
Oh Ya! or groan?
Overjoyed or gripe?
Thank you!
Friday, November 2, 2018
For just about everything, Thank You!
For all the good and not so good days, Thank You!
For Sun rising everyday, Thank You!
And the fact that everyday for over sixty one years, I have been able to greet the day the Sun has announced, Thank You!
For all the good and not so good days, Thank You!
For Sun rising everyday, Thank You!
And the fact that everyday for over sixty one years, I have been able to greet the day the Sun has announced, Thank You!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Endings and Beginnings
The ending of one thing, opens me up for a beginning of something else.
What a curious card to draw for the beginning of my thirty days of gratitude. Actually I drew the card at midnight for my card of the month of November and honoring All Hallows Eve. The ending of one thing means that I had it or them in the first place. Cannot say so long or goodbye if it wasn't in my life. So a good place to remember those that have passed through my life, family, friends, and acquaintances. For those that have enriched my life. To endings that make way for beginnings.
When one door closes another opens. And thankfully I am still opening doors.
The Fountain Tarot
What a curious card to draw for the beginning of my thirty days of gratitude. Actually I drew the card at midnight for my card of the month of November and honoring All Hallows Eve. The ending of one thing means that I had it or them in the first place. Cannot say so long or goodbye if it wasn't in my life. So a good place to remember those that have passed through my life, family, friends, and acquaintances. For those that have enriched my life. To endings that make way for beginnings.
When one door closes another opens. And thankfully I am still opening doors.
The Fountain Tarot
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My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
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