Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Surface appearances

What?  I have drawn the Three of Chalices today from the Marco Polo Tarot. Confusing to find four instead of three women in this card and only one holds a cup.  Definitely something is not right.  Appears to me that the one with the cup is reading her tea leaves and is somewhat perplexed by what she sees.  The other gal feigns interest, but her posture indicates not really and the other two women are not even engaging.

This is a Three of Cups reversed, a failure of friendship, but why four women?
So I went back to the deck to see what the Four of Chalices might show.

What?  Here it appears three men and I say three cause the one sitting appears to be a bit gender confused, and still only one cup in the picture.

I guess I better not take anything for granted today. 
In these topsy turvy times, I think I will keep my mouth shut, and watch and wait in silent observation.


  1. Very difficult cards to read. It would annoy me a great deal. Is the rest of the deck just as confusing?

    1. It is definitely a different deck. Sharyn sent it to me several months ago. I did one week awhile back. It really challenges me so that might be a good thing to help me change my perspective and look at things a bit differently.

    2. Lo Scarabeo are famous for throwing some off the wall images in their decks. Which is why I didn't like them in the beginning, then favored because they make me think harder. Most of my LoS decks are gone, but that is just the place I am. I've gone through a lot of phases in everything. Part of the fun of getting up I guess.

    3. They are definitely different. Again it challenges me so for now they suit me.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...