Saturday, January 9, 2016


The Ten of Winter came up again today.  3 days of 10's and the Ten of Winter was also drawn 2 days ago.  It concerns me when I draw the the 10 of Air/Swords and this 10 is that 10 in other decks.  For 6 months prior to being hurt in the tornado I continuously drew the 10 of Swords from the RWS deck.  The RWS deck shows a fallen individual with 10 swords in her/his back. Definitely negative.  This 10 advises to just walk away from difficulties, to move on.  So it kind of alarms me to draw the 10 card of Air/Swords/Winter, I just cannot ignore it.

Not being sure I put the card back in the deck asking for advise on its meaning.  After shuffling, I went looking for the Ten of Winter and the cards on either side it.  I drew Five of  Spring and the Queen of Autumn.  The 10 has turned her back on the difficulties in the 5 and  begins anew her path to her true nature of the Queen of Autumn.  My birthday was few days ago and  being born in the sign of Capricorn, this Queen of Earth/Pentacles/Autumn speaks to me.

'When the past calls don't answer it. It has nothing new to say.'

RWS -Rider Waite Smith

FAIRY Tarot Cards -Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine


  1. ah, but it is so hard to not answer that call..part of what kept me in a black rage was running the Why tape around and around and around my brain pan all day every day. When I finally chose (and it is a choice) to let it go it took about six months of determined mind switching to get rid of that rut. Today I could tell you who was involved but not a single fact about it. I hope you get here also...we can hug.

    1. I know you mentioned a season of black rage. Last year I experience a session with the same monster. About the time you figure you have dealt with old issues they return a torment you. How deep can the well go?


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...