Saturday, July 16, 2016

Benefit of the doubt

Ahh the King of Swords.  I never really cared for this King.  I don't take kindly to people who tell me what to do. When I see him I want to say, "you are not the boss of me!"   Though, I am one those people who follow the rules, color between the lines, and like cold hard facts.

There are people who show up in my life that I can take an immediate dislike to.  No rhyme or reason.  Those are the people that may have a lesson for me.  Something in them mirrors something in me.  Behind my Queen of Pentacles facade is the King of Swords.  I can be harsh, judgemental, and talk about holding a grudge.   Compassion is the message I am getting here.  Maybe he has chronic back pain and that is why he appears so rigid.  Today I need to give others and myself the benefit of the doubt.



  1. I've got a friend who always suggests, "Make a charitable assumption;" instead of assuming the worst, I can look for the good. And I suppose that this applies to myself as well!

    1. I do try, but sometimes when that other person gives you 'the look' like this King is doing...well

  2. I guess we have a little bit of every court card hidden beneath our daily persona. I was not that happy with my Son of Air this morning either :D

    1. Give him a hug. If not jab him with his own spear, just not to hard.

  3. ooo that visceral dislike. I just trust my gut and stay away.

    1. Following my gut reactions is usually best. I have been trying to practice... if you don't have anything good to say, don't anything at all. I got a bunch of words I got spit out somewhere today... HA


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...