Monday, June 27, 2016

Hose me down

The Keywords for this Ace from the booklet are ~ inspiration, growth, action.  It almost appears to be a desert landscape with just too much sun.  Even in the harshest environments there is Life.  This little patch of green grass with bits of flowers makes me think of a recent rainfall and the rain encouraged new life to blossom.

In the area we have had 90+ degree weather for several weeks.  Too much of a good thing makes it not so good.  That fiery Sun has baked off most of the landscape, and yet hope remains.  No matter what the circumstances or environment, there is always returning hope.  This makes me think of childhood.  On the really hot days we - my sisters and brothers got out the hose and put on the sprayer and took turns running through the water, to cool off and to have a bit of fun.  I am sure the grass greened up where we played with all that water running. 



  1. When I was a child i enjoyed summer so much, now I wait until it gets cooler. Today is good day: it is raining and the temperatures have dropped.
    I hope you are doing well

    1. I try not to complain about the heat. We have decently mild winters here and the trade off is really hot humid summer days. I don't like the cold, brrr so I will endure the heat wave. Be well

  2. ah, sprinklers. Life was a lot simpler then, it didn't take much to have fun. One of my favorites was setting up the card table and covering it with dad's army blanket, ready make house or fort or whatever we were up for that day. Or take the leaf from the table, set it up somewhere, ready made slide.

    1. sprinklers made those really hot days a bit more fun and sprinklers on the 4th of July were fun too, but not the burns from the hot wires. We used big old boxes and slid down hills on those. Those were the days. Enjoy your summer day


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...