It always amazes me when I draw a card two days in a row. It definitely gets my attention. A lot of times when I look at a card drawn on a subsequent day it usually has a different feeling than the previous day. Yesterday I saw this fairy's missing wings and wondered at her sacrifice for success. Today I just see her riding in on her success. Do I try to down play my successes and achievement worried that others may see me riding on my 'High Horse'? It's a thought
The accompanying booklet ~ "Congratulations on a job well done! This isn't a time to be shy or humble. Even if you normally don't seek attention, it's healthy to bask in glow of your accomplishments...Wonderful news is on its way."
Well okay. Not getting anything else I am going with the booklet and authors interpretation. Well good for me. Yay Carolyn, you go get 'em girl. Sometimes it is difficult to celebrate my accomplishments but if I don't appreciate myself, who else will? So today March 31, 2016 is officially Carolyn Day!
FAIRY TAROT CARDS -Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
This card of everyday success is a bit of an enigma for me. Dressed in all her finery, she is riding high atop of her unicorn in proclamation of her success and accomplishment. But at what cost? She seems to be missing her wings. Did she get her wings clipped or did she give them up for her success? We all want to be heros in are own stories, but as time goes on, heroes are forgotten. Is winning at all costs really worth it?
Most days I do pretty well all things considered. There are times though that I give a little too much of myself to clients, customers, friends, and family. And that is okay because it is what I do, but when I bend a little too far and then don't get the accolades and thank yous I think I deserve, I bemoan those ungrateful so and so's. So for today I best consider that request for me to go above and beyond, most likely my fairy spirit wings will get clipped. And since I am restricting my wheat intake, there won't be any cake to soothe my hurt feelings.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Most days I do pretty well all things considered. There are times though that I give a little too much of myself to clients, customers, friends, and family. And that is okay because it is what I do, but when I bend a little too far and then don't get the accolades and thank yous I think I deserve, I bemoan those ungrateful so and so's. So for today I best consider that request for me to go above and beyond, most likely my fairy spirit wings will get clipped. And since I am restricting my wheat intake, there won't be any cake to soothe my hurt feelings.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
The orbs that this Fairy is juggling appear more to me like thought bubbles, the kind we see over pictures with thoughts that the character is thinking. I am like this a lot of times. So many things grab my attention it can be difficult to focus on just one or two things. Then with this scattering of thoughts nothing much gets done or what I do manage to do is a bit sloppy.
So for my card of advice today, just keep it simple. Work on the couple of the most important or pressing items on my to do list and let those other task float along, I will get to them. I have found that the things that really need to get done, get done and rest will wait till I get to them.
Easy Peasy.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
So for my card of advice today, just keep it simple. Work on the couple of the most important or pressing items on my to do list and let those other task float along, I will get to them. I have found that the things that really need to get done, get done and rest will wait till I get to them.
Easy Peasy.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Monday, March 28, 2016
One foot in front of the other
The Fool, or in this deck the Dreamer, advises me that it is never too late to start something new. The Fool reminds me the journey is never ending and sends a clear message to me "go ahead start something new." This fairy starting out has bundled her experiences up and takes them along with her. She has her faithful companions along with her, the dog to remind her there is always someone or something to love and who loves us, and the cardinal reminding me that there are those who are unseen that accompany me throughout my life, family members who have passed and angels.
The only thing that doesn't work for me are those boots this fairy has chosen to wear on her journey. Sometimes I make mistakes and I don't choose correctly, but what the heck, as long I keep going forth, questing, searching for my place in the scheme of things, that's the adventure. I have been reading this book the last few days, WHEAT BELLY, and today I am starting a change of menu. Wheat elimination. That's my something new and of course I waited until after all the Easter celebrations. And instead of boots, it will be tennis shoes to get back out there on doing daily walks around the neighborhoods and parks.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
The only thing that doesn't work for me are those boots this fairy has chosen to wear on her journey. Sometimes I make mistakes and I don't choose correctly, but what the heck, as long I keep going forth, questing, searching for my place in the scheme of things, that's the adventure. I have been reading this book the last few days, WHEAT BELLY, and today I am starting a change of menu. Wheat elimination. That's my something new and of course I waited until after all the Easter celebrations. And instead of boots, it will be tennis shoes to get back out there on doing daily walks around the neighborhoods and parks.
FAIRY TAROT CARDS - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Sunday, March 27, 2016
More Rabbits
After posting all those cards with hares/rabbits on them I decided to do my own rendition. Here's my rabbit. Orange, a nod to the rabbit in the Queen of Pentacles in the RWS deck. There is a place not far from home called the Concrete Lady and there you can find just about anything concrete. So I got my rabbit and did my painting yesterday. I had lots of paint at home from painting rocks. Rock painting was my therapy to help me work through my PTSD after tornado trauma. I was never that clever with drawing and painting but rock painting was pretty easy. Then I found while surfing the web ~ The Abundant Love Project. People around the world painting rocks with the message "you are loved." So I started doing that. And now I place either very simple renditions or sometimes a rock with many layers of paint and design of 'You are Loved' around town. A few here and there. I enjoy it and I hope the rocks always are located by someone who needs the message.
And here is the other rabbit and the last of them for Easter. From the DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE, the Hare. Definitely a compelling picture. So much going on in this scene. This 'Mad March Hare' looks back at us and seemingly asks, "are you ready for an adventure." Maybe this is the picture that inspired Lewis Carrolls ALICE IN WONDERLAND. Who knows?
I am off on my Easter Day Celebrations. I am sure there is an Easter Egg Hunt somewhere today. I too shall join in the adventure.
And here is the other rabbit and the last of them for Easter. From the DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE, the Hare. Definitely a compelling picture. So much going on in this scene. This 'Mad March Hare' looks back at us and seemingly asks, "are you ready for an adventure." Maybe this is the picture that inspired Lewis Carrolls ALICE IN WONDERLAND. Who knows?
I am off on my Easter Day Celebrations. I am sure there is an Easter Egg Hunt somewhere today. I too shall join in the adventure.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Mad as a March Hare
Its Easter Time. Well actually tomorrow. The neighborhoods, parks, and church grounds will be filled with the time honored ~ Easter Egg Hunt. Today I am thinking about the Easter Bunny.
Today I just gathered some cards that had rabbits on them. An eclectic collection . The Queen of Pentacles has been my Significator card when using the RWS deck; maybe today I will go get a stone rabbit at garden center and paint it orange and place in front yard. I really like the Prince of Spring riding forth on his bunny.
For lunch today maybe some egg salad.
Today I just gathered some cards that had rabbits on them. An eclectic collection . The Queen of Pentacles has been my Significator card when using the RWS deck; maybe today I will go get a stone rabbit at garden center and paint it orange and place in front yard. I really like the Prince of Spring riding forth on his bunny.
For lunch today maybe some egg salad.
Friday, March 25, 2016
'LOVE in Light ~ Ah, light flows like water, surrounds me with inspiration, illuminates my path, and keeps me attentive. It is endless, just like love. It swirls ad waves in the timeless whispers of protection and caring. I lift my arms to the magical light. Moon essence softens me. I breathe in earth's gentleness and the universe's promises and soak in the comfort of belonging. Light infuses my internal seeing so I can pursue my dreams and goals with confidence. Love infuses my heart so I can make a difference in the world. I am the beacon that illuminates and inspires.'
Above quote by Sue Lion on the back of card. eartheart wisdom
Life from this perspective would be the life I would and do wish for others and myself. I know that there has to be balance in the world so we are presented with the darkness so we can appreciate the Light. One day hopefully we will all realize that we are the Light. I like to look at the lights in the night sky. Right now I am particularly enchanted when I get to watch the steady pinpoint of light as the Space Station circles the Earth. NASA posts the times and starting next week there will be a couple of nights when the pinpoint of light will be seen for 5 or 6 minutes. Sunlight reflected on the Station allows me/us to view this spectacular feat of engineering. SPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER quoted from STAR TREK. I actually think the final frontier is with us, but I always loved and still do, watching STAR TREK.
Above quote by Sue Lion on the back of card. eartheart wisdom
Life from this perspective would be the life I would and do wish for others and myself. I know that there has to be balance in the world so we are presented with the darkness so we can appreciate the Light. One day hopefully we will all realize that we are the Light. I like to look at the lights in the night sky. Right now I am particularly enchanted when I get to watch the steady pinpoint of light as the Space Station circles the Earth. NASA posts the times and starting next week there will be a couple of nights when the pinpoint of light will be seen for 5 or 6 minutes. Sunlight reflected on the Station allows me/us to view this spectacular feat of engineering. SPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER quoted from STAR TREK. I actually think the final frontier is with us, but I always loved and still do, watching STAR TREK.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
'Play with abandon. Honor the rhythm of the sea. Every part of our lives seeks balance with the other parts of our lives. We seem to have two lives - that in which we work and, if we can squeeze it in, that in which we play. In or minds and culture, we often tilt the scale to the practical, "have to" side, and forget that the only way we can fully live is to break from our cages and give ourselves to play.'
Above quote is from the backside of the card. I don't live near the sea, I think I have in past lifetimes. The sea calls to me. I have always found peace at the sea shore and would try to go every year or two. It can be a challenge to find the time, make travel plans, and then actually go. The trauma changed me and now I live a bit fearful of getting too far from home. Before the accident I would make those plans and be gone; didn't bother me in a bit to go off on my own. Not so much now.
Today might be a good day to make vacation plans.
Magic & Myth affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Above quote is from the backside of the card. I don't live near the sea, I think I have in past lifetimes. The sea calls to me. I have always found peace at the sea shore and would try to go every year or two. It can be a challenge to find the time, make travel plans, and then actually go. The trauma changed me and now I live a bit fearful of getting too far from home. Before the accident I would make those plans and be gone; didn't bother me in a bit to go off on my own. Not so much now.
Today might be a good day to make vacation plans.
Magic & Myth affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Peace embraces hearts, creates change, believes in hope, and stands up for love. Peace is the conversation for good. Its energy envelops the dance & thrives in the fragrance of Spring & the crystaline sky of Winter. Peace gives hope & takes us to a perfect just world.
Usually Lady Justice is singular and carries her scales of justice in one hand and her sword of truth in her other. Her she is flanked by her sisters, that help her make her decisions. Which type of Lady Justice would better serve the World. The one that only has the scales and the sword or the Justice that has the benefits of those who have lived in the World and can help her view life from not such a sterile viewpoint? The old saying is you can't judge another until you walk a mile in her shoes, comes to mind. Can we really know what another is going through?
My prayers are for Peace and for those in Brussels and all around the World.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation Cards - Sue Lion
Usually Lady Justice is singular and carries her scales of justice in one hand and her sword of truth in her other. Her she is flanked by her sisters, that help her make her decisions. Which type of Lady Justice would better serve the World. The one that only has the scales and the sword or the Justice that has the benefits of those who have lived in the World and can help her view life from not such a sterile viewpoint? The old saying is you can't judge another until you walk a mile in her shoes, comes to mind. Can we really know what another is going through?
My prayers are for Peace and for those in Brussels and all around the World.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation Cards - Sue Lion
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
"Choose transformation and the passion for living will rise from what you let go. Time for Change! Let the fire of passion, the heat of emotion, the ignition of radical change burn in your energy field to give you the confidence that the path you are on is perfect. First, the fire. Then, to ashes. Then, to rest. Then, to an amazing and wonderful renewal. Beauty is often sculpted and molded through the process of alchemy. Today is the perfect day to reach into the fire and extract that which feeds your heart. It's time to let go of the old become what's new." -Sue Lion
Sounds good to me. Lately I have been in a bit of a funk. Hoping the Spring will help me slough off the apathy that has enveloped me of late. I have been putting a brave face on it all, but that is beginning to wear. Winter really wore on me this year, and it wasn't even that harsh of a winter. I feel like I have been holding on to by my fingertips to get through the short dark days of Winter. Hope Springs Eternal. I look forward to a bit of Alchemy and change with the new Season.
Magic & Myth ~ affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Sounds good to me. Lately I have been in a bit of a funk. Hoping the Spring will help me slough off the apathy that has enveloped me of late. I have been putting a brave face on it all, but that is beginning to wear. Winter really wore on me this year, and it wasn't even that harsh of a winter. I feel like I have been holding on to by my fingertips to get through the short dark days of Winter. Hope Springs Eternal. I look forward to a bit of Alchemy and change with the new Season.
Magic & Myth ~ affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Monday, March 21, 2016
If you can Dream it you can live it. That probably is a quote from someone, one of the many self help guru's that are everywhere these days. Lots of them have good advice and lots of them are just repeating someone else's previously written and given advice. I have and continue to read some of those books; as I have been blessed with these additional years after my trauma I have learned to listen more to my own inner guru. And lets look at guru g-u-r-u. gee you are you.
MOTHER EARTH EMBRACES YOUR TOES AS YOU DANCE IN YOUR DREAMS. How lovely to wake from a dancing dream and then dance throughout day. This dancer has her arms thrown wide open in appreciation of all the abundance that surrounds her. As I rise most morning and throw my feet out and over the side the bed, up goes my arms in appreciation of another day. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
"True wholeness comes from having a love affair with life, living in harmony with inner wisdom, and coming to a full sense of awe at the miracle of one's own existence." -Psychotherapist M. Keith, O.S.F.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation cards -Sue Lion
MOTHER EARTH EMBRACES YOUR TOES AS YOU DANCE IN YOUR DREAMS. How lovely to wake from a dancing dream and then dance throughout day. This dancer has her arms thrown wide open in appreciation of all the abundance that surrounds her. As I rise most morning and throw my feet out and over the side the bed, up goes my arms in appreciation of another day. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
"True wholeness comes from having a love affair with life, living in harmony with inner wisdom, and coming to a full sense of awe at the miracle of one's own existence." -Psychotherapist M. Keith, O.S.F.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Ahh Spring. Who doesn't love Spring. The Vernal Equinox, equal amounts of night and day. I love the Spring time. Flowers bloom and birds singing, just makes one light of heart. The weather here in the Ohio Valley is anything but Spring like today, a bit of old man Winter isn't quite ready to step aside for the maidens of Spring.
I am thinking of the changing of the Seasons. With Spring breezes and lengthening days I realize there are Winter projects not yet completed. Things I need to let go of and release to make room for the new. But mostly some of the despondency that hangs like a yoke on me from the long days of Winter.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation Cards - Sue Lion
I ponder the word earth and heart - same letters arranged for different words. Here Sue Lion drops a 'h' and joins the two words as one.
I am thinking of the changing of the Seasons. With Spring breezes and lengthening days I realize there are Winter projects not yet completed. Things I need to let go of and release to make room for the new. But mostly some of the despondency that hangs like a yoke on me from the long days of Winter.
eartheart wisdom Affirmation Cards - Sue Lion
I ponder the word earth and heart - same letters arranged for different words. Here Sue Lion drops a 'h' and joins the two words as one.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Say a little prayer
What can make us linger in despair? The loss of family, friends, faith, home, health, employment; the people and places that bring us comfort and security. There is pain and sorrow in the big things and the little things. I say my prayers for comfort, forgiveness, understanding, hope, and love.
"Birds pray, trees pray, flowers pray, mountains pray, the winds and rain pray, rivers and the little insects pray as well. The whole earth is in constant prayer, and we can join with its great prayer." ~SONGS OF CREATION - Paul Goble
"Birds pray, trees pray, flowers pray, mountains pray, the winds and rain pray, rivers and the little insects pray as well. The whole earth is in constant prayer, and we can join with its great prayer." ~SONGS OF CREATION - Paul Goble
Friday, March 18, 2016
Can I be sure?
The (lwb) describes this sacred site as Notre Dame de Paris: Erected in the heart of Paris, it was constructed over an existing basilica which in turn was built on the foundation of a Gaelic-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter. Not your normal Page of Swords. We never are really sure of what lies beneath the ground we walk on. After millions of years of heaving and seizing the Earth has gone through lots of changes. Kind of the same with us. Our knowledge and facts are based on those of our parents and teachers, and theirs based on their parents and teachers, and stories change as they are handed down. Can we ever be sure of what we know?
And my other passing thought of this card is that, Big Brother is Always Watching. And with that can we be sure of the news and information of the day? Is it being scripted and programmed to keep us on the edge; manipulating us. I haven't been watching much tv lately with all the negative reporting going on, but am I free of the that information? It is still viewed by many, who in turn shape their opinions and ideas on that information and usually they want to share those views to everyone in turn. Reminds of an old adage, 'Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.'
And my other passing thought of this card is that, Big Brother is Always Watching. And with that can we be sure of the news and information of the day? Is it being scripted and programmed to keep us on the edge; manipulating us. I haven't been watching much tv lately with all the negative reporting going on, but am I free of the that information? It is still viewed by many, who in turn shape their opinions and ideas on that information and usually they want to share those views to everyone in turn. Reminds of an old adage, 'Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.'
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Justice can present itself in many forms. Balance can be found in yes/no, right/left, dark/light, do this and don't do that. We each must find our own way to bring Balance to our lives. As in this card what I send out usually reflects back to me. If I think there will trouble in a situation, there usually is. If I wake up and say "what a glorious day" then the day is usually a pretty good day. I can be my own best friend or my own worst enemy.
Each day I try to do the right thing. Be fair minded and objective with all that I see and everyone that I interact with. Sure there will always be people upset with me and the world around them, there is not much I can do about that. With this Justice card I think I am advised that something or someone may provoke me today and I hope to be fair minded and keep my balance when and if adversity presents itself. This Sacred Site is within me.
Actions speak louder than words.
Each day I try to do the right thing. Be fair minded and objective with all that I see and everyone that I interact with. Sure there will always be people upset with me and the world around them, there is not much I can do about that. With this Justice card I think I am advised that something or someone may provoke me today and I hope to be fair minded and keep my balance when and if adversity presents itself. This Sacred Site is within me.
Actions speak louder than words.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Letting Winter Go
It's the Easter Bunny in disguise as the local Shaman. That was my first thought when viewing this card. It looks like Easter Bunny ears on the the headdress of this village Shaman. He is dressed in the many colors of Spring and appears to be blessing the fruits of the harvest. We are in that transitional time between Winter to Spring. The seasonal change is apparent everywhere and most especially with the abundance of daffodils blooming. Daffodils, such happy little flowers.
This deck is named the Sacred Sites Tarot and this card reminds me Sacred Sites are everywhere, even in our own backyard. One of the best Rites of Spring is the traditional Easter Egg Hunt, coming soon to most neighborhoods. Everyone dresses up in their new Spring garb and celebrates the returning Sun, more hours of daylight, warmer days, and relief of the passing Winter.
Time to bask in the magic of the moment.
This deck is named the Sacred Sites Tarot and this card reminds me Sacred Sites are everywhere, even in our own backyard. One of the best Rites of Spring is the traditional Easter Egg Hunt, coming soon to most neighborhoods. Everyone dresses up in their new Spring garb and celebrates the returning Sun, more hours of daylight, warmer days, and relief of the passing Winter.
Time to bask in the magic of the moment.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Ides of March
In the deep darkness of the night what secrets are whispered and carried forth on the passing breeze? This High Priestess honors the old ways in her private chambers. This feels like the age between the Feminine and Masculine ruled. All those obelisks in the background hints at the masculine rule formed by all those dynasties of kings of old. She still honors the ways of the Feminine and gathers her strength in practicing the rites of the Great Mother. What whispers are carried on the wind?
Does someone's words whispered in the night have power over us? Are their words of intention binding on the the individual of their focus? I believe that I choose my way, but there are times when something wakes me in the night, and it is coming from 'somewhere else.'
Does someone's words whispered in the night have power over us? Are their words of intention binding on the the individual of their focus? I believe that I choose my way, but there are times when something wakes me in the night, and it is coming from 'somewhere else.'
Monday, March 14, 2016
Don't Point it's not Polite
The little booklet that came with deck describes the place as Varanasi, where every Hindu feels obliged to make a pilgrimage to the river Ganges, one of the Holy Sites in India. This individual is also without clothes as the daughters of Atlas were yesterday and as this deck is new to me I wondered if all the individuals in the Cups cards were without clothes? Nope, just the two I have drawn; so I have to give it some consideration that I have drawn Cups with unclothed individuals these first two days.
Typically eights are about movement and more traditionally moving away from one thing towards something else. Traveling to the Holy River was the movement and now I find out where the venture will take me, the other side of the Eight of Cups. Makes me think of the old adage, 'Where ever you go, there you are.' You can change your environment but basically I will still be me. I am who I am and I need to accept that, quit trying to change myself and be myself.
"I try to stay in a constant state of confusion, just because of the expression it leaves on my face." - Johnny Depp
Typically eights are about movement and more traditionally moving away from one thing towards something else. Traveling to the Holy River was the movement and now I find out where the venture will take me, the other side of the Eight of Cups. Makes me think of the old adage, 'Where ever you go, there you are.' You can change your environment but basically I will still be me. I am who I am and I need to accept that, quit trying to change myself and be myself.
"I try to stay in a constant state of confusion, just because of the expression it leaves on my face." - Johnny Depp
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Apple a Day
Well this is not your typical Three of Cups. These gals are not in happy union or celebrating and dancing the day away. Something seems amiss and there is disharmony between the one and the two. The booklet explains this is the The Garden of Hesperides and the tree of the golden apples, which were reputed to give one immortality if eaten, which is guarded by 3 of Atlas' daughters and also a dragon. The snake gives us a feeling of the Garden of Eden. It is a curiosity that stories of old and myth have some similar reference points. What is more curious to me is that the gal that is sitting in the garden has a blanket beneath her; one would think they would have made themselves something to wear before weaving something to sit on?
Still, I guess not all that much can be wrong in the Garden. Life is full of fun and adventure if we don't let little things get to us and 'upset the apple cart.'
My sister upset me yesterday and this is just a reminder to let the little sting of her nastiness go and get on with my day. Also I think I will get me some golden apples and make me a nice little fruit compote and enjoy myself in my garden.
Massimiliano Filadoro & Artwork by Federico Penco
Still, I guess not all that much can be wrong in the Garden. Life is full of fun and adventure if we don't let little things get to us and 'upset the apple cart.'
My sister upset me yesterday and this is just a reminder to let the little sting of her nastiness go and get on with my day. Also I think I will get me some golden apples and make me a nice little fruit compote and enjoy myself in my garden.
Massimiliano Filadoro & Artwork by Federico Penco
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Listen to the Music
You never know who is listening. This gentleman is singing for pure joy. He opens his heart to the music and everyone in the house is his audience; not that he needs an audience for his voice sings to his heart. This morning I woke with a curious little diddy running through my head 'Let Me Tell You About The Birds and The Bees and The Flowers and The Trees, and The Moon Up Above and a Thing Called Love.' (sometimes you got to wonder what you were dreaming about?)
We never do know who might be listening. I know in the past I have said things I regret and I know there have been words spoken that wounded another. I have gotten a lot better and don't stick one of feet in my mouth very often anymore. Maybe it comes with age or maybe with age I don't let so much irritate me anymore that I feel compelled to make an unkind remark. I am sure a much better use of my vocal cards would be singing even though my voice doesn't carry a tune, but singing does lift the spirit and puts a little pep in my step. Maybe someone will join me in my song.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
We never do know who might be listening. I know in the past I have said things I regret and I know there have been words spoken that wounded another. I have gotten a lot better and don't stick one of feet in my mouth very often anymore. Maybe it comes with age or maybe with age I don't let so much irritate me anymore that I feel compelled to make an unkind remark. I am sure a much better use of my vocal cards would be singing even though my voice doesn't carry a tune, but singing does lift the spirit and puts a little pep in my step. Maybe someone will join me in my song.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Friday, March 11, 2016
There are times that I see little points of lights, they dance across my line of vision. Visitors popping in and checking things out. Spirits helping us along on our daily journey and they are also there to help us make the journey on to that next place. Here they are helping a bird embrace Spring and a message to me to prepare for the new Season.
"Move with your heart. Flow with the gifts of the universe. Seek the kindness and kin of spirit so you can dance, dance, dance with your soul. Color floods the shimmering air ready to spiral into your core, even as purple shadows extend their fingers into the earth. It's your time! Dance! Create! Color your life! Breathe in the river of hope that the universe brings to us all. -Sue Lion
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards -Sonia Choquette
"Move with your heart. Flow with the gifts of the universe. Seek the kindness and kin of spirit so you can dance, dance, dance with your soul. Color floods the shimmering air ready to spiral into your core, even as purple shadows extend their fingers into the earth. It's your time! Dance! Create! Color your life! Breathe in the river of hope that the universe brings to us all. -Sue Lion
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards -Sonia Choquette
Thursday, March 10, 2016
We all have our stories. Good and not so good. Perspective. I have noticed over the years my story has changed. How I remember things change as the years and my perspective on past events alter. I create new memories, soften the edges of some of those past events. I notice how I remember an event is usually a bit different than how another recalls it. Do we each create our countenance of such things? Of course we do.
Sometimes I know I create a mountain out of a molehill. There are situations and obstacles that present themselves that loom much larger than they really are. I always have loved a bit of drama. Do I create it? Quite possibly.
It's going to rain today so I think I will dig out my paint and rocks and create some colorful little stones for the Spring garden.
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards" ~The White Queen from THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS - Lewis Carroll
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Sometimes I know I create a mountain out of a molehill. There are situations and obstacles that present themselves that loom much larger than they really are. I always have loved a bit of drama. Do I create it? Quite possibly.
It's going to rain today so I think I will dig out my paint and rocks and create some colorful little stones for the Spring garden.
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards" ~The White Queen from THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS - Lewis Carroll
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Take No Offense
I didn't sleep well last night, and woke about three am and have just been adrift in my bed since. Thoughts coming and going; nothing of much importance, a few lite snatches of sleep with a couple of silly dreams along the way, but mostly just awake. Lack of sleep makes me a bit ill tempered. So I best be careful and not let things irritate me today and take no offense when none is probably called for.
It will be a long day. No sleep make the day seem to drag by and there won't be time in the schedule to take a quick little nap. Caffeine will be the order of the day.
"Your slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter." ~ Dilbert
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards -Sonia Choquette
It will be a long day. No sleep make the day seem to drag by and there won't be time in the schedule to take a quick little nap. Caffeine will be the order of the day.
"Your slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter." ~ Dilbert
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards -Sonia Choquette
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
You Are Safe
Sometimes, well a lot of times I can get wrapped up in my own life, with fear, worry, work, joy, and life that I don't think of others' lives that are filled with life, joy, work, worry, and fear. This poor little butterfly hanging on for dear life, hiding beneath the petals of a flower. I think a lot of us and the wonderful creatures of the Earth have days when fear takes hold and we just have to hold on and get through it.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D Roosevelt
These days we have a lot more to fear than fear itself. Extra precaution is called for in lots of situations. This butterfly may not be the focus of attention of those birds, but better safe than sorry is also very good advice. I am going on about my day and know that I am safe, but if something doesn't feel right I might just duck for cover and let a whatever may come, pass before continuing on my way. And if I encounter someone that seems to have an agenda counter to mine, I will give her/him a little consideration because they might be coming from a place of fear.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D Roosevelt
These days we have a lot more to fear than fear itself. Extra precaution is called for in lots of situations. This butterfly may not be the focus of attention of those birds, but better safe than sorry is also very good advice. I am going on about my day and know that I am safe, but if something doesn't feel right I might just duck for cover and let a whatever may come, pass before continuing on my way. And if I encounter someone that seems to have an agenda counter to mine, I will give her/him a little consideration because they might be coming from a place of fear.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Monday, March 7, 2016
Call Your Spirit Home
Is this my Higher Self hanging out somewhere out there? Hope not, I need all parts of me front and center to help me on path to Wholeness and Wellness. Or could it be a oracle telling me I am adrift in my life? The author of this card and booklet talks about working on the ego and how it wants to be in charge and when I spend my time with the ego in charge, my Spirit is adrift. Dr Wayne Dyer used the acronym of EGO for 'Edging God Out'. I know there is always more work to do on myself and maybe this is just a reminder that school is never out. Maybe that is what this is, the School house of Life.
I think I can overwhelm myself of thinking about living a good life and instead of just living a good life. I have spent a lot of my time over the years thinking I should have done this not that. Gone left and not right. Where would I be now if I hadn't done that? Whew it can get out of hand. Maybe that's what this card is relaying to me, just get out of your head and into the happy Spirit of Life. Have more compassion for myself and know that it is okay. Be One with Myself.
Carpe Diem ~ sieze the day
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
I think I can overwhelm myself of thinking about living a good life and instead of just living a good life. I have spent a lot of my time over the years thinking I should have done this not that. Gone left and not right. Where would I be now if I hadn't done that? Whew it can get out of hand. Maybe that's what this card is relaying to me, just get out of your head and into the happy Spirit of Life. Have more compassion for myself and know that it is okay. Be One with Myself.
Carpe Diem ~ sieze the day
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Step Away from the Crowd
Herd mentality, lots of that going on these days. Everybody following the political debates; I won't even turn on the tv much these days, tired of all the rhetoric and bs. When you follow the herd the view never changes. Go here, do that, stay together, and if you don't conform you are in danger of being left out, left alone, ostracized. Thinking about it, if you just follow the herd you are bound to step in all that bs. Yuck.
I have always been a little bit out there, just a tad different. I look like everybody else in mainstream society and I admit I conform more than I feel comfortable with most days, but I have some of my own individuality that I stay true too. Sure there may be wolves and other hazards when I am out there on my own. Away from the crowd I will be able to see a horizon, a sunrise, a sunset, feel a breeze across my face. Able to breathe deeply and connect to the day, and being out there on my own I may even hear my own voice for a change. Hearing myself and not all that other bleating.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
I have always been a little bit out there, just a tad different. I look like everybody else in mainstream society and I admit I conform more than I feel comfortable with most days, but I have some of my own individuality that I stay true too. Sure there may be wolves and other hazards when I am out there on my own. Away from the crowd I will be able to see a horizon, a sunrise, a sunset, feel a breeze across my face. Able to breathe deeply and connect to the day, and being out there on my own I may even hear my own voice for a change. Hearing myself and not all that other bleating.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Play Day
Out of two comes a third. Family is or can be the celebration of Life. Some families are more challenged than others, but Life finds a way. Even family of sea otters are challenged I am sure. Toxic crap in the water pollutes their lifestyle. It will also kill off the clams they eat and the kelp beds they use as their anchors when sleeping. Still the otters find their way, and I am sure they don't just swim around barking and complaining about the humans that have befouled their homes.
A really good lesson for me. I am not much of a complainer, it is what it is, and so, just get on with it. There are times when I can get on my pitiful me perch and then the day is a misery. Only I can pull myself out of that place or even better not let myself sink in to the pit of despair, besides if I slide into the muck I just have to dig myself out of it. I almost let myself slide into that pit this week. Here is my card of celebration, life goes on and for the most part is pretty darn good. Besides without a little thunder and lightning, the days would all mesh together.
I think I will have a 'Play Day'
A really good lesson for me. I am not much of a complainer, it is what it is, and so, just get on with it. There are times when I can get on my pitiful me perch and then the day is a misery. Only I can pull myself out of that place or even better not let myself sink in to the pit of despair, besides if I slide into the muck I just have to dig myself out of it. I almost let myself slide into that pit this week. Here is my card of celebration, life goes on and for the most part is pretty darn good. Besides without a little thunder and lightning, the days would all mesh together.
I think I will have a 'Play Day'
Friday, March 4, 2016
Breathe deeply
A field of lavender as my backyard would be glorious indeed. I have never seen a field of lavender. A few plants at the local garden and nursery store, or a few sprigs in a bouquet of flowers, but this explosion of color and fragrance; a absolute delight for sure. This is the place of calm and security after the fright and fear of the The Tower that I have experienced the last few days.
From the book and the description of the shadow side of this card feels like the place I am in at the moment.
"You may not yet have experience peace and plenty and you may not yet have found your heart's home. You may be restless and unsatisfied, even if you have an abundant lifestyle. Consider what you need to be truly secure and prosperous, then recognize how much you already have."
I did not experience any 'Lightning' or 'Tower' moments the last few days, it could be my lingering experience from my tornado trauma on March 2, 2012 or harbinger of a future event, but for now I will rest and recover and go smell the flowers.
From the book and the description of the shadow side of this card feels like the place I am in at the moment.
"You may not yet have experience peace and plenty and you may not yet have found your heart's home. You may be restless and unsatisfied, even if you have an abundant lifestyle. Consider what you need to be truly secure and prosperous, then recognize how much you already have."
I did not experience any 'Lightning' or 'Tower' moments the last few days, it could be my lingering experience from my tornado trauma on March 2, 2012 or harbinger of a future event, but for now I will rest and recover and go smell the flowers.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
I Don't Know what this is telling me. I drew Lightning 2 days ago and here it is a again. My first thought was 'something wicked this way comes.' Hope not.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
"So focusing your intentions on what you can do with your gift would work far better than focusing on getting rich. There is nothing wrong with getting rich of course, but for most of us this intention would come more from fear and not having enough. Therefore, it would be driven by force and not by power. Power is natural, force is artificial. Power is always there, force needs to be created constantly to be effective." - Thomas Herold
This quote is from an article by Thomas Herold and the subsection of 'What is Attention, Intention, and Focus.
This surfer defines all three and his gift is his surfing. Won't get rich at it but he is one with the board and I think all of Life.
This quote is from an article by Thomas Herold and the subsection of 'What is Attention, Intention, and Focus.
This surfer defines all three and his gift is his surfing. Won't get rich at it but he is one with the board and I think all of Life.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Can Lightning Strike Twice?
Today is the first day of March and with it brings thoughts of another March four years ago. On March 2, 2012 a tornado swept through the area just a little north of where I live and my path intersected with that of a tornado. I was swept up into the monster cloud and life changed for me. That is what I thought of seeing this card of Lightning/The Tower. That day four years ago, definitely brought lightning quick change to my life. I too fell from the sky like these individuals on the card.
"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." - Dr Wayne Dyer
I really work at not feeling sorry for myself, daily. Only once or twice can I remember thinking 'Why Me'? If not me someone else would have been in that spot and I would not have wished my trauma on anybody else. Hopefully that is all this daily card draw is for today, the cloud of unease and sadness that settles on me every year at this time and not some new portent of disaster.
"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." - Dr Wayne Dyer
I really work at not feeling sorry for myself, daily. Only once or twice can I remember thinking 'Why Me'? If not me someone else would have been in that spot and I would not have wished my trauma on anybody else. Hopefully that is all this daily card draw is for today, the cloud of unease and sadness that settles on me every year at this time and not some new portent of disaster.
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Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
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