Today is New Years Eve. It's New Calendar Day! I get my new wall calendar out and go through the months and days and transfer bits of information; birthdays, events to remember, a little bit of this, that, and the other. Bringing forth some of the old year into the new, sort of like Blending. Taking the best of 2015 into 2016. I begin to project myself into the New Year and the promises of what yet is to become. Simply put, HOPE. Temperance is my Angel of Hope.
Shapeshifting. Who I was, Who I am, Who I want to be. All things move from one presence to another. Moving from one year to the next. Time ticks on and a lot of the time I forget to notice the changes happening all around; lately though I have been paying more attention. Right now I cast my gaze back to January 1, 2015 and see a different me. I have done some changing this year and I can truly say I like the newer version of me. I am a ever unfolding story and chapter 2016 looks to be really really great. Happy New Year to Me!
Artwork/Card : Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Yesterday I drew the Explorer of Fire and today the Guardian of Fire, the two cards follow each other in the the deck. After becoming a expert of the 'Fire Dance' and learning to work with the fire, here I see a tending to the fire. Once I/we achieve a certain level we must continue to tend the fire. One more log on the fire to keep it burning. That is kind of like Life, it always needs tending. Something more to do. Another task at hand. Something else to learn, to do, to say ....Life goes on.
What really impresses me here is that he is bending over the fire and not getting burned. He has become 'ONE' with the fire, content in the moment of 'Being' and his instinctual self (the cat) his true inner nature has always been there as a guide. As I think about it I think it is really simple. Live in the moment. Let go of all the have to do's the must do's the gotta do's. Yesterday is gone - tomorrow not yet here, Right Now is what I got, I already put the log on the fire(past) enjoy the warmth of the moment, and tomorrow when it comes, another log can be put on the fire(lots of trees out there).
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
What really impresses me here is that he is bending over the fire and not getting burned. He has become 'ONE' with the fire, content in the moment of 'Being' and his instinctual self (the cat) his true inner nature has always been there as a guide. As I think about it I think it is really simple. Live in the moment. Let go of all the have to do's the must do's the gotta do's. Yesterday is gone - tomorrow not yet here, Right Now is what I got, I already put the log on the fire(past) enjoy the warmth of the moment, and tomorrow when it comes, another log can be put on the fire(lots of trees out there).
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
A lot of time had to be committed to becoming the expert of this fire dance. I don't think about the long hours of practice when I see someone doing something so flawlessly. Sometimes I wonder what I am really good at? I spent years in my career so I must be really good at it, but I know it doesn't bring me the excitement of tossing fire sticks. I know there is no Spark of enthusiasm when I do my daily dance. Maybe with the New Year I will sign up for lessons on something new and exciting. No not maybe, I will commit to bringing some kind of sizzle to my life.
I can rise above the daily commonness of my life and bring new energy to my days. Each day gives me a new opportunity to seek out a new challenge. Find what really stirs my Soul. That is really a true path to Healing and Wellness.
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This not philosophy. This is physics." -Albert Einstein
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
I can rise above the daily commonness of my life and bring new energy to my days. Each day gives me a new opportunity to seek out a new challenge. Find what really stirs my Soul. That is really a true path to Healing and Wellness.
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This not philosophy. This is physics." -Albert Einstein
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
Monday, December 28, 2015
The year is winding down. Four days till the end of 2015. I have taken a few days off during the Holidays and find myself reflecting over the year. Things accomplished, things not yet finished, and somethings that never got off the ground. I find that in my accumulated years that my need to accomplish this, that, and the other is not as long. Self Acceptance and Self Love are really the most important.
If I could go back and tell myself at 10 or 20 or 30 or even 40 that is okay to be Me, I wonder about the Me I would be now? Can't change the path I walked so I guess that is where that Self Acceptance comes in. Sooo, I will get up from the wishing well and get on with the day. Life is for Living.
"Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live." -Nicholas de Chamfort
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
If I could go back and tell myself at 10 or 20 or 30 or even 40 that is okay to be Me, I wonder about the Me I would be now? Can't change the path I walked so I guess that is where that Self Acceptance comes in. Sooo, I will get up from the wishing well and get on with the day. Life is for Living.
"Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live." -Nicholas de Chamfort
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Just for today
Just for today what is the best vision of myself. What will bring balance and peace to my heart, me, my life? Justice can sometimes be seen as the 'Scales of Justice' but here I see balance. What are the best practices I can implement for myself and to be in harmony with the Natural World around me?
What can I do to bring peace to my heart and make it as light as a feather? First I think I need to work on removing so much processed food and eat lighter and healthier. Less boxed goods also is good for the environment around me. Also pay attention to the all Life around me and not leave such a heavy footprint. Today I will be more aware of everything.
"The Planet does not need more successful people. The Planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kind. -Dalai Lama
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
What can I do to bring peace to my heart and make it as light as a feather? First I think I need to work on removing so much processed food and eat lighter and healthier. Less boxed goods also is good for the environment around me. Also pay attention to the all Life around me and not leave such a heavy footprint. Today I will be more aware of everything.
"The Planet does not need more successful people. The Planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kind. -Dalai Lama
Journey through the Gaian Tarot -Joanna Powell Colbert
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Girl Power
We are all bound together. Year after year, generation after generation. We share love, give love, we are love. The Divine Feminine. We are bound together no matter our age. Stories of love, sorrow, blessings, survival; strength shared between Mothers and Daughters, Sisters and Aunts, Grandmothers and Granddaughters. Live for Love.
Yesterday I saw the new movie THE FORCE AWAKENS. What I noticed in the movie, is the lead characters of men all ran away. Hans Solo left Princess Leia when their son turned to the dark side. The Son confused and lost ran away and embraced the Dark Side. Not sure what made Luke Skywalker run away and hide in some distant galaxy. The only one who stayed true was Princess Leia, staying strong and true to her course, bringing freedom to a galaxy far far away. And the new heroine , Rey, abandoned in youth, who blossoms and becomes the unexpected strength and a light of hope in a time of darkness.
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Yesterday I saw the new movie THE FORCE AWAKENS. What I noticed in the movie, is the lead characters of men all ran away. Hans Solo left Princess Leia when their son turned to the dark side. The Son confused and lost ran away and embraced the Dark Side. Not sure what made Luke Skywalker run away and hide in some distant galaxy. The only one who stayed true was Princess Leia, staying strong and true to her course, bringing freedom to a galaxy far far away. And the new heroine , Rey, abandoned in youth, who blossoms and becomes the unexpected strength and a light of hope in a time of darkness.
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve. A Magical time. I think back to childhood days when everything was possible. The Christmas tree was up and the lights on the tree mesmerized me. My sisters and brothers and me made garland of Sunday comic strips to hang on the tree. Sometimes we strung popcorn until we discovered the mice came and ate the kernels. Times were pretty lean most of the time in our house but Christmas was Magic.
I believe the Magic is still here, all around me/us. If we just Believe.
Merry Christmas to Me. Merry Christmas to Me. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to Me.
And I heard Him exclaim as he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night."
I believe the Magic is still here, all around me/us. If we just Believe.
Merry Christmas to Me. Merry Christmas to Me. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to Me.
And I heard Him exclaim as he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night."
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Just Be
This card is the best of expression of the me I am going to be. Comfortable with who I am. Freedom and Joy in Being. On top of the World. It is okay to be Me. Self-love and Self-acceptance is the journey for me. Christmas is two days from now and there is going to be a Full Moon. A Full Moon on Christmas is a rarity and hopefully the sky will clear long enough for me to get a glance.
"Play is calling you. Set aside your worries and your work to breathe in the essence of Life. Let your mind drift with the lightness of the moon and let yourself be showered with stardust, hovering in the sweet winds of nothingness, even for just a moment. Be immersed in your unique creativity today." -quoted from the back of card.
"Stop trying to change yourself and be yourself."
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards -Sue Lion
"Play is calling you. Set aside your worries and your work to breathe in the essence of Life. Let your mind drift with the lightness of the moon and let yourself be showered with stardust, hovering in the sweet winds of nothingness, even for just a moment. Be immersed in your unique creativity today." -quoted from the back of card.
"Stop trying to change yourself and be yourself."
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The last few days I have struggled with a cold. A cold is usually, for me symptomatic of stress. This cold started as frustration when someone would not listen to what I had to say. My throat got itchy and scratchy from the words stuck there. I have figured that all out and thought I had come to terms with the frustration, yet the Cold continued to build in intensity. I have wanted and thought I needed validation from outside sources most of my life. NOPE. When I need approval of others I make myself sick. I just need to listen to my Inner Self.
Nothing and no one outside of me can give me or make me more than I already am. The treasure I seek I already have. Dance to my own music and know it is not just okay to be me, it is fabulous to be me. Validation comes from my own heart.
"Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions." -Will Smith
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Nothing and no one outside of me can give me or make me more than I already am. The treasure I seek I already have. Dance to my own music and know it is not just okay to be me, it is fabulous to be me. Validation comes from my own heart.
"Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions." -Will Smith
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Monday, December 21, 2015
The Winter Solstice. Last day of Fall and so Winter lays her claim to the land. This Winter Woman revels in her winter splendor. The candles are lit to stave off the darkness of the longest night of the year and she gathers her friends close; Owl, Bear, Fox have joined her in the celebration. May we all find such Peace & Joy & Comfort.
"THROW OFF THE LINGERING DARKNESS & REJOICE IN THE SONG OF THE LIGHT." - from the card. The Winter Solstice is a wonderful event. I enjoy celebrating and marking the day; acknowledging Winter and knowing that Spring always follows the Winter. So instead of shutting myself indoors on such a glorious day, maybe a walk in the park, embracing the light and celebrating Winter in all her glory.
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards- Sue Lion
"THROW OFF THE LINGERING DARKNESS & REJOICE IN THE SONG OF THE LIGHT." - from the card. The Winter Solstice is a wonderful event. I enjoy celebrating and marking the day; acknowledging Winter and knowing that Spring always follows the Winter. So instead of shutting myself indoors on such a glorious day, maybe a walk in the park, embracing the light and celebrating Winter in all her glory.
EARTHEART WISDOM affirmation cards- Sue Lion
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Light in darkness
Just a couple of days before the Winter Solstice, longest night of the year. I have drawn a card of summer time, long days of Light. During these days of winter when daylight is in short supply I can illuminate all the dark corners by living in joy. Sometimes I really have to work at it. Working on my journey of Gratitude helps; counting my blessings always lifts me up. I also have a mood light that simulates daylight and it helps.
"Far away, there in the sunshine, are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty; believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." -Louisa May Alcott
EARTHHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
"Far away, there in the sunshine, are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty; believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." -Louisa May Alcott
EARTHHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Saturday, December 19, 2015
do re mi fa so la ti do
Yesterday I woke up with a slightly sore throat and thought 'oh my' and this morning it lingers. I am lucky that I don't go sickly much with the general ailments; so I asked myself' 'why am I manifesting a sore throat?' I realized I have something stuck there, some unspoken words. I was with family Thursday evening and when I tried to tell them something they ignored me, twice. So there it lingers.
So today when ever I get the chance I am going to sing. Open up my throat chakra and release the stuck vibration and find my voice.
do -do a deer a female deer
re -re a drop of golden sun
mi -mi a name I call myself
fa -fa a long long way to run
so -so a needle pulling thread
la -la a note to follow so
ti -ti a drink of jam and bread
-that will bring us back us back to do
do re mi fa so la ti do
So today when ever I get the chance I am going to sing. Open up my throat chakra and release the stuck vibration and find my voice.
do -do a deer a female deer
re -re a drop of golden sun
mi -mi a name I call myself
fa -fa a long long way to run
so -so a needle pulling thread
la -la a note to follow so
ti -ti a drink of jam and bread
-that will bring us back us back to do
do re mi fa so la ti do
Friday, December 18, 2015
I was out and about all day yesterday and noticed off and on the low setting of the Sun throughout the day. We are moving closer to the Winter Solstice. Shortest day and longest night of the year. This time of year the Sun does not rise as high in the sky, at least not here in the Northern Hemisphere. As I settle in for the colder winter months some place else in the Southern Hemisphere some other gal is enjoying the long warm days of approaching summer. The Wheel turns.
Time to pause and really appreciate all the wonder of this World. As I move through my day I will take more time to stop and notice all the wonder that surrounds me. The Winter Solstice this year is December 21 at 11:48pm. Light your candles and bring forth the light to longest night.
"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all things you can't hear." -Winnie the Pooh
EARTHHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Time to pause and really appreciate all the wonder of this World. As I move through my day I will take more time to stop and notice all the wonder that surrounds me. The Winter Solstice this year is December 21 at 11:48pm. Light your candles and bring forth the light to longest night.
"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all things you can't hear." -Winnie the Pooh
EARTHHEART WISDOM affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Heartful Giving
I drew the dragons again today so I am guessing that have more to say to me. The first thing I see are the hearts that each dragon is offering to the other. There is so much joy in sharing the love. Giving of ourselves to ourselves and others. Pause just long enough to show your true heart, and your life will be changed forever.
New beginnings are happening all the time, everyday, usually with me not even noticing them. If I stop and reflect and look at where I started I would realize how different things are, how I have changed. I am different from who I was when I started this year. Sure, I may have a little farther to go, but the journey is going to be great.
"Never laugh at live dragons." - J.R.R. Tolkien
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards - Sue Lion
New beginnings are happening all the time, everyday, usually with me not even noticing them. If I stop and reflect and look at where I started I would realize how different things are, how I have changed. I am different from who I was when I started this year. Sure, I may have a little farther to go, but the journey is going to be great.
"Never laugh at live dragons." - J.R.R. Tolkien
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Inner Child
I have been doing some inner child work. One of my teachers, Louise L Hay promotes this work. Self love is the answer. The wounded child carries a lot of our issues from childhood, and we all have issues from our childhood and I have faced most of mine. It can be challenging to turn within and face some of our dragons.
I love this card. The dragons big and small, mother and child, adult me and younger me. Each offering their heart to the other. What a joy to give our hearts to another. From the card..." Give freely. Give with happiness. Give gentleness. And you will give the best thing you have - yourself."
Everyday I will pause and take a flight of fancy.
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards - Sue Lion
I love this card. The dragons big and small, mother and child, adult me and younger me. Each offering their heart to the other. What a joy to give our hearts to another. From the card..." Give freely. Give with happiness. Give gentleness. And you will give the best thing you have - yourself."
Everyday I will pause and take a flight of fancy.
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Wing and a Prayer
Some days I do feel like I live on a wing and a prayer. When I am not feeling so well and everything I do feels like a challenge, I just wing it. Go through the motions and hope to get through it all and pray that I do. I guess we all have days like that, meeting our challenges the best that we can.
Really I have two choices give in or get up and get going. Power up and face my fears. When I was critically injured I faced that choice, to live and get through it and I did. I had lots of help and Lots and Lots of prayers from so many that those prayers lifted me up. To keep moving beyond the lightning strike and give it all I got and fly.
"Never give in, Never give in, Never, Never, Never give in. "
-Winston Churchill
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Really I have two choices give in or get up and get going. Power up and face my fears. When I was critically injured I faced that choice, to live and get through it and I did. I had lots of help and Lots and Lots of prayers from so many that those prayers lifted me up. To keep moving beyond the lightning strike and give it all I got and fly.
"Never give in, Never give in, Never, Never, Never give in. "
-Winston Churchill
MAGIC & MYTH affirmation cards -Sue Lion
Monday, December 14, 2015
A lion in winter. I think there was a movie with that title about one of the kings in England. This lioness has come to me and gives me the strength to move throughout my day. We all have inner courage and strength, I just need to tap into mine. Fear of failure keeps me from getting out and about and doing the things that I want to do, kind of like hiding from Life. Roar
Today I ask myself, "What is the greatest idea of self that I can be?" Courage, strength, and determination will help me find my way; and even more than that LOVE. Love for myself is the true answer to my question, What is the greatest idea of myself?
from the card. LION ROARS - Life sometimes hides from itself until the lion roars into the heart and shakes the long winter into spring.
MAGIC & MYTH - affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Today I ask myself, "What is the greatest idea of self that I can be?" Courage, strength, and determination will help me find my way; and even more than that LOVE. Love for myself is the true answer to my question, What is the greatest idea of myself?
from the card. LION ROARS - Life sometimes hides from itself until the lion roars into the heart and shakes the long winter into spring.
MAGIC & MYTH - affirmation cards - Sue Lion
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Greek Goddess, Artemis is featured here. To know yourself and be true to your own nature. Who you are. Believing in yourself. That is surely a path to Health and Wellness. To know what give gives you joy and fulfillment in your own life, and to follow that joy.
It really is time to look deeply within myself and figure out what my passion is. What fills my heart and soul with joy. To appreciate all the wonder around me and truly be at peace with who I am. Into the Garden.
MAGIC & MYTH - affirmation cards - Sue Lion
There is a 2nd deck EARTHEART WISDOM Cards also by Sue Lion and I mixed the 2 decks together
It really is time to look deeply within myself and figure out what my passion is. What fills my heart and soul with joy. To appreciate all the wonder around me and truly be at peace with who I am. Into the Garden.
MAGIC & MYTH - affirmation cards - Sue Lion
There is a 2nd deck EARTHEART WISDOM Cards also by Sue Lion and I mixed the 2 decks together
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Some days it can be just exhausting to think about getting up and getting on with the day. It would be so much easier to just lie around bemoaning my situation and my discomforts. That won't get me anywhere. And on those/this day, the best thing to do is get up and get out and about. Move, do something, and do anything but wallow.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." -Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." -Robert Frost
Friday, December 11, 2015
Toss it
I see this a lot lately; getting rid of the old and making way for the new. It is getting closer to the end of year, in fact 3 weeks from today will be January 1, 2016 and I, like others, make resolutions to do or change something in the New Year. Change is constant. My Dad used to say that all the time, "The only thing constant in life is change."
On my continual journey of Healing, what can I toss out and make way for radiant vitality. Limiting thoughts and self doubts tops the list; maybe something easier to get started, those two are life long challenges. Today I will box up some items and cart them down to the Thrift store, clearing space in my home for new things in the New Year, and get rid of some Christmas cookies and go get some fresh veggies. Change is constant, and I can change for my Health and Wellness.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
On my continual journey of Healing, what can I toss out and make way for radiant vitality. Limiting thoughts and self doubts tops the list; maybe something easier to get started, those two are life long challenges. Today I will box up some items and cart them down to the Thrift store, clearing space in my home for new things in the New Year, and get rid of some Christmas cookies and go get some fresh veggies. Change is constant, and I can change for my Health and Wellness.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Say It
I found myself wanting to tell someone about a few things yesterday and I had no one that I thought I could confide in. I realized I have really isolated myself from others and the only one that I have conversations with is myself. I have been a sales person for years and have adapted myself to mirror and match others for their comfort. I have held myself back from being a more authentic me to get the sale. That just can't be good for my overall Health and Wellness. Time for a change.
Today I am starting on my path to a more authentic me. If I don't acknowledge myself, who else will? I will let myself know that it is okay to be me!
"I am willing to let go. I release. I let go. I release all tension. I release all fear. I release all anger. I release all guilt. I release all sadness. I let go of all old limitations. I let go, I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with the process of Life. I am safe." -Louis L Hay
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Today I am starting on my path to a more authentic me. If I don't acknowledge myself, who else will? I will let myself know that it is okay to be me!
"I am willing to let go. I release. I let go. I release all tension. I release all fear. I release all anger. I release all guilt. I release all sadness. I let go of all old limitations. I let go, I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with the process of Life. I am safe." -Louis L Hay
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Today I have several social gatherings in my work-a day-field. I used to do pretty well and enjoyed myself out and about; now it can be exhausting. I have some physical challenges to sitting long periods or standing too long in a place, but more than that it is the idle chit chat and gossip that comes along with these year end and Holiday get togethers. Whew. Yesterday I mentioned getting out and enjoying these events and so I shall. Just rise above the noise.
Keeping my Balance and just enjoying myself is the order of the day. We are all doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness we have. Go ahead, get out there and have a good time. If it gets to be to much I can sit to the side and Listen.
"Don't audit Life. Show up and make the most of it." -Unknown
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Keeping my Balance and just enjoying myself is the order of the day. We are all doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness we have. Go ahead, get out there and have a good time. If it gets to be to much I can sit to the side and Listen.
"Don't audit Life. Show up and make the most of it." -Unknown
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Simple Really
With the Holiday Season in full swing and all the happenings in the World, I need to make sure there is time for me. Not get so caught up in it all to enjoy myself and appreciate all the blessings in my life. It is okay to indulge me. Relax and enjoy the festive lights. Hug my family and friends during all the Holiday gatherings. I like the mirror in the picture, reminds me to do my mirror work that Louise L Hay promotes.
I keep hearing the song from the SOUND OF MUSIC, "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...These are a few of my favorite things." There is Magic in all things. The Magical Season of Christmas is here and I am going to slow down and enjoy myself and not rush through the days.
Bright Blessings.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
I keep hearing the song from the SOUND OF MUSIC, "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...These are a few of my favorite things." There is Magic in all things. The Magical Season of Christmas is here and I am going to slow down and enjoy myself and not rush through the days.
Bright Blessings.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards -Denise Linn
Monday, December 7, 2015
Stop, Look, Listen
I have been watching too much television lately and reading posts on Facebook about World events, and listening to everyday conversations that have been turning into rants of hate and fear mongering. It is starting to soak into my pores. I have been feeling icky lately and it has to be all the negative crap floating around. So enough. I am going to Stop inviting that into my energy field and tune out the fear, Look to all the Blessings that abound, and Listen to My Higher Self.
Think about what you think about. If I watch and listen to all the negativity that is floating around out there it will become part of me and it is not part of My Journey of Healing and Wellness. I surround myself with happy healing thoughts and stand in the Light of Love. That's is my Truth.
"If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle your course will also become clear." -The Budda
GATEWAY Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Think about what you think about. If I watch and listen to all the negativity that is floating around out there it will become part of me and it is not part of My Journey of Healing and Wellness. I surround myself with happy healing thoughts and stand in the Light of Love. That's is my Truth.
"If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle your course will also become clear." -The Budda
GATEWAY Oracle Cards - Denise Linn
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Moving On
Several months back I had an astrological reading and within the reading there was a portent of a Death forth coming, possibly a close family member. Not that I have been obsessive over this indication but I have been constantly aware that Death is nearby. Maybe, it is also getting older that I reflect on endings, not just mine or others, but on my daily lifestyle. Death is but a change from one thing to another.
I can allow myself to be bogged down by worry and fear or just to move on. And maybe not just stumble through the change that is coming, in whatever fashion; embrace the change with Courage. Something is changing in my life, me, my lifestyle, the way I choose to live. Maybe that is all it is, a transition to the way I have been living to something new. The Wheel turns and I can choose to step into the future with Courage.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards by Denise Linn
I can allow myself to be bogged down by worry and fear or just to move on. And maybe not just stumble through the change that is coming, in whatever fashion; embrace the change with Courage. Something is changing in my life, me, my lifestyle, the way I choose to live. Maybe that is all it is, a transition to the way I have been living to something new. The Wheel turns and I can choose to step into the future with Courage.
GATEWAY Oracle Cards by Denise Linn
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Be Me
The more things change the more they stay the same. An odd little tidbit. Trees are always changing but a tree is still a tree. Some days, as the days of my youth are farther in the distance, I wish I could climb a tree. Did it all the time when I was a young gal. I love to watch the trees come to life in the Spring and their splendid glory in the Autumn. A tree is a tree, ever changing and still a tree. I am Carolyn, ever changing, yet still Carolyn.
"One does not walk into the forest and accuse the trees of being off center, Nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. So why do we look at ourselves this way?" - Tao Te Ching
I am going to the park today and hug a tree.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
"One does not walk into the forest and accuse the trees of being off center, Nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. So why do we look at ourselves this way?" - Tao Te Ching
I am going to the park today and hug a tree.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
Friday, December 4, 2015
Sometimes I wish I could take something back. I had a conversation yesterday while out at dinner and one thing led to another and gossiping came in the mix. I was really unhappy with myself. It can be distressing to oneself when you think you that you are moving forward just to fall back into the muck. Yuck. There is enough negativity floating around with out throwing my vileness into the mix.
From the card, "You are in an intense process of emergence into the next cycle of your life...This period of emergence is one of broadened consciousness..." I have to forgive myself for the bashing and trashing, releasing all that negativity. As I heal and grow I have to slough off the old ways and move into the Love & Light.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
From the card, "You are in an intense process of emergence into the next cycle of your life...This period of emergence is one of broadened consciousness..." I have to forgive myself for the bashing and trashing, releasing all that negativity. As I heal and grow I have to slough off the old ways and move into the Love & Light.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Inner Truth
Have you ever believed a lie because you didn't believe in yourself? Instead of listening to others I am beginning to listen more and more to myself, my truths, what works for me. It has taken me many years to get to this place that I can trust myself more and it is a path that I will continue until it is my time to leave the planet. Trust myself.
My card for today is WOLF. Instinct. She does just what she does, based mostly on instinct. Trust that the Earth will bring her what she needs. Instead of listening to others and waiting for validation, I will trust myself that what I need will be provided. And did I mention Intuition? I know what is right and the path to take, I just need to listen to myself.
Quit trying to change myself and be myself.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer
My card for today is WOLF. Instinct. She does just what she does, based mostly on instinct. Trust that the Earth will bring her what she needs. Instead of listening to others and waiting for validation, I will trust myself that what I need will be provided. And did I mention Intuition? I know what is right and the path to take, I just need to listen to myself.
Quit trying to change myself and be myself.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Sssh It's Quiet Time
I have read lots and lots of books and passages on Meditation. To reach that place of inner stillness. That monkey mind as they call it usually wins out. Jumping from one thing to the next and then I start again... 'breathe in breathe out' slowly, count your breaths, some say 4, 6, 8, 9. Nine breaths in and nine breaths out, whew. I think I will skip all that and visualize this Lake and sit in Stillness and in my minds eye watch a butterfly flit by.
I do understand that sitting in silence and clearing my mind will help me along my path of Healing and Wellness. I get to worrying about this, that, and the other and it can add to the stress. So I will continue my practice of Meditation. Sit at the side of the lake and relax and know, All is Well.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer
I do understand that sitting in silence and clearing my mind will help me along my path of Healing and Wellness. I get to worrying about this, that, and the other and it can add to the stress. So I will continue my practice of Meditation. Sit at the side of the lake and relax and know, All is Well.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
There is a cold rain this morning, for me it is better than wet snow. Just a few weeks before the Winter Solstice. Long nights. Time to rest and and reflect. I had that thought yesterday driving along and noticing all the trees bare of leaves...resting through the cold winter days. The promise of Spring is what will get me through.
This is my card for the day. Hope Springs Eternal. When the cold and deepening darkness start to get to me, I will remember that in just a few weeks the days will begin to lengthen and Spring will return. Promises of renewal are healing and contribute to my general well being. The butterfly notates my Transformation on my Healing Journey.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
This is my card for the day. Hope Springs Eternal. When the cold and deepening darkness start to get to me, I will remember that in just a few weeks the days will begin to lengthen and Spring will return. Promises of renewal are healing and contribute to my general well being. The butterfly notates my Transformation on my Healing Journey.
EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer
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Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
Confucius as the card of Judgement confuses me. He appears more likely The Hierophant. I remember in my younger days there were a bunch ...
From the booklet ~ Traditional card: The Hermit, keywords - meditation, withdrawal, introspection. I have had this deck for a number of...